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Welcome! International conference TIMEWELL HILTON Dresden Hotel 18 September 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome! International conference TIMEWELL HILTON Dresden Hotel 18 September 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome! International conference TIMEWELL HILTON Dresden Hotel 18 September 2009

2 Integration of innovative modules developed in TIMEWELL into vocational and further education Christian Klepper IBB Dresden GmbH

3 I. Contents of TIMEWELL are integrated in education at IBB Dresden GmbH: theoretical and primarily practical contents have been transfered

4 II. Theoretical educational offers: 1.anatomy 2.physiology theory 4.kinetics 5.dietetics

5 III. Practical training offers: 1.Fitness – Training 2.Nordic Walking 3.Beachvolleyball / Badminton 4.Aqua-Fitness and swimming 5.Running 6.Climbing ( indoor / outdoor )

6 IV. Fields of action: 1.Vocational education e.g. Sports and Fitnessmanagement 2.Training e.g. European Wellnessbeautician 3.Elemantary school 4.Prevention courses on the open market (e.g. companies / health insurances) 5.Specific trainings for trainers and course instructors

7 V. Premises for Lifelong Learning: 1. motivation through success 2. fact based knowledge through theoretical background 3. versatility and fun 4. surrounding for enhanced learning (e.g. family, friends, school)

8 VI. Concrete activity offers for IBB students influenced by TIMEWELL: 1. Beach-Volleyball-Cup 2. Mountainbike tour (35 km) 3. Dresden Marathon 4. Volleyball tournament 5. St. Nicholas run(1,2 km)

9 Thank you for your attention!

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