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Sustainable Planning Whirlpools, M.C. Escher Sustainability Defined Humans living on this planet meeting our needs, and at the same time ensuring that.

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2 Sustainable Planning Whirlpools, M.C. Escher

3 Sustainability Defined Humans living on this planet meeting our needs, and at the same time ensuring that future generations will inherit a quality environment

4 Environmental Protection: Valued (From polls in the United States) Protecting the environment should be administrative priority: 90% Protecting endangered species: 60% Abide by the Kyoto agreements: 60% Environmental protection not in conflict with economic growth: 50% Important environmental problems: pollution, air quality, global warming, ozone depletion, energy production (Biodiversity...?)

5 A New Socio-Economic Paradigm? Evolutionary, not revolutionary: A change in values (lifestyles, and social, economic, environmental justice) Inclusive, not exclusive: Bring all peoples of the world to a higher standard of living. Proactive, not reactive: Anticipate and plan for change Attracting, not reacting: People must be attracted to the new paradigm. Assisting the disadvantaged, not taking advantage: Issues of justice

6 © 2003 John Wiley and Sons Publishers The land-use planning process

7 © 2003 John Wiley and Sons Publishers Use of earth science information to develop a Geographical Information System (GIS) for land use planning.

8 Natural Hazards and Human Impacts Catastrophe: An event that causes large-scale, long-term destruction and damage (hurricanes, floods, earthquakes…) Damage from catastrophes is increasing dramatically on a global scale - mostly in developing parts of the world Natural hazards are linked and antagonistic: hurricanes -> flooding, flooding -> spread of disease… Increasing human populations: frequently linked to catastrophes through land use changes and environmental degradation (deforestation, wetland losses…)

9 Conflict Resolution An important aspect of the attracting not attacking principle Litigation: Frequently builds long-term conflict Expensive (private and public funds) Time-consuming Mediation: A negotiated process Mediator: clarifies issues, builds understanding and compromise Mitigation: A lessening of, or compensation for, env. impact Frequently a part of the mediation process Consensus building: a collective vision of a greater good


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