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Melrose Teacher Action Research Action plan revision Data collection instruments Data collection instruments.

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Presentation on theme: "Melrose Teacher Action Research Action plan revision Data collection instruments Data collection instruments."— Presentation transcript:

1 Melrose Teacher Action Research Action plan revision Data collection instruments Data collection instruments

2 Plan for the Session Objectives Finalize your data collection tools Continued analysis of collected data and summary statements Plan for May celebration

3 Activator  The most rewarding part of T.A. R. thus far has been...  The most challenging part of T.A.R. thus far has been…

4 Data Collection Tool Presentation  How will you organize your table?  What is important for the audience to understand?


6 Data Collection Tool Why you chose this tool What will this data from this tool tell you about your question? A-artifact O-Observation I-Interview

7 Summary Statement Consultancy  Share your summary statement in your groups and provide feedback.  Is it clear? Does it relate to the question? Is the statement consistent with the data?

8 Data Analysis 1. What patterns are in the data you collected? 2. What jumps out at you? 3. What are some categories you can generate from your data?

9 Data Analysis – Just You and I  Using the 3 questions talk out your data analysis with your partner. – It is important to fully engage in the conversation EACH TIME so you can flush out your best analysis  Partner Group 1 – similar data collection strategy  Partner Group 2 – different data collection strategy  Partner Group 3 – similar research theme/focus

10 New Summary Statement  Take 10 peaceful minutes to create a summary statement from the data analysis activity.

11 May  Review Format of Final Paper  Continue to imagine the May presentation: consider:  Whom to invite  Format of presentations  Location  Publicity  Pairings and schedule

12 For Next Time…..  Bring one piece of collected data.  Bring one summary statement.  Bring your “report” to date  Problem Statement  Literature Review  Action plan  Data Collection Table

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