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1 Emissions Inventory Overview-Part 1 Melinda Ronca-Battista, ITEP/TAMS Center.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Emissions Inventory Overview-Part 1 Melinda Ronca-Battista, ITEP/TAMS Center."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Emissions Inventory Overview-Part 1 Melinda Ronca-Battista, ITEP/TAMS Center

2 2 Overview What is an Emissions Inventory and why do we need one? Part 1 ◦ Types of EIs ◦ Pollutants ◦ Sources

3 3 What is an Emissions Inventory? Listing of sources and amounts of estimated air pollutant emissions in geographic area during specific time period

4 4 How are EI data used? Air quality management tool ◦ Collect baseline data ◦ Develop & track emissions control and management strategies Regulations development Air quality modeling and assessment Permits ◦ Do you have facilities that need permits? ◦ Operating conditions (potential to emit) ◦ Fees Emissions trading Regulatory compliance

5 5 What are Emissions? Criteria Pollutants ◦ Particulate matter: PM 10 and PM 2.5 ◦ Nitrogen oxides: NO x ◦ Sulfur dioxide: SO 2 ◦ Carbon monoxide: CO ◦ Lead: Pb Ozone precursors ◦ Ammonia: NH 3 ◦ Volatile Organic Compounds: VOCs HAPs (Air Toxics) ◦ 187 toxic, carcinogenic compounds without regulated standards

6 6 Criteria Pollutants What about Ozone? ◦ Ozone is not emitted directly by sources ◦ EIs inventory ozone precursors  VOCs  NOx  Both react with sunlight to form ozone ◦ NOx and VOCs get inventoried, but not ozone itself

7 7 HAPs (Air Toxics) 187 compounds listed in CAA including ◦ Mercury (power plants, coal-fired) ◦ Perchloroethylene (dry cleaning) ◦ Benzene (gasoline) ◦ Chloroform (chlorination plants, paper mills) ◦ Methyl Isocyanate (pesticide manufacturing)  Release at Bhopal, India, killed 4,000 people ◦ The list goes on…

8 8 What are Emission Sources? Point Sources On-Road Mobile Sources Non-Road Mobile Sources Non-Point Sources (Area Sources) Based on EPA Event Sources

9 9 Level of Detail Simple Summary: Small reservation with few on-reservation sources ◦ Compiled from existing data sources ◦ Includes only large sources Comprehensive Accounting: Large reservation, many and/or large sources ◦ Large on-reservation sources - permitting ◦ “Problem” Emissions (agricultural burning, small industries, road dust, traffic emissions)

10 10 Important Note If you include data from reservation sources and county-level data, conduct your EI in two parts ◦ Part 1, On-Reservation: Data you collect for on-reservation sources ◦ Part 2, Off-Reservation: Data you compile for sources in the surrounding counties  Data obtained from the NEI, state environmental offices, etc.

11 11 Levels of EI Level 1 ◦ Requires highest degree of defensibility ◦ Based on site-specific data ◦ Results can be used directly in enforcement, compliance or litigation support if sufficient scope Level 2 ◦ Used to directly support decision-making or standard setting ◦ CAA-SIP inventory or other national inventory developed to support numerous EPA regulatory requirements ◦ Site- or region-specific information generally required

12 12 Levels of EI Level 3 ◦ General assessment or research ◦ Site-specific data may be gathered ◦ Do not directly support rulemaking activities Level 4 ◦ Usually compiled from previously-published emissions data ◦ Not intended to directly support rulemaking or compliance activities From US EPA’s Emission Inventory Improvement Program (EIIP) Vol. 6, page 2.1-5

13 13 Levels of EI Level 4 EI – Gather Existing Data ◦ Everyone should start by doing a Level 4 EI ◦ Compile existing data from the National Emission Inventory (NEI)  Shows air pollution emitting facilities in your area (point sources)  Identifies non-point sources that create most emissions in your area ◦ If your tribe’s lands are already adequately covered by NEI/state inventory, level 4 is all you need to do!

14 14 Inventory Steps Source identification ◦ Internet mapping and satellite imagery ◦ Phonebook/windshield survey ◦ National Emission Inventory (NEI) data, previous EIs Planning! ◦ Inventory Preparation Plan (IPP) ◦ Quality Assurance Project Plan (QAPP) Collect data ◦ From sources, permits, questionnaires, etc.

15 15 Inventory Steps (cont.) Evaluate and select methods for estimating emissions Preliminary calculations (unit conversions) Calculate and analyze data (TEISS, Excel, GIS, etc.) Apply Quality Assurance/Quality Control (QA/QC) Report data and present results ◦ Internal: tribal council, community ◦ External: EPA project officer, NEI

16 16 Types of Sources Point sources = Stationary sources Area sources = Non-Point sources Event Sources Mobile sources ◦ On-Road (cars, motorcycles, trucks, buses) ◦ Non-Road (off-road equipment) Biogenic sources

17 17 What is a Point Source? Individual, stationary source Emitting quantities above the emission threshold Emission thresholds vary according to type of pollutant and that location’s non- attainment area classification See EPA’s Air Emission Reporting Requirement (AERR) for federal thresholds

18 18 What is a Point Source? AERR reporting thresholds are quite high Many states have lower thresholds Consider using state thresholds to define your reservation’s point sources ◦ Makes EI compatible with others in your area ◦ Get a more detailed listing of point sources  Example: Busy gas station can be point source under state thresholds, but not EPA’s  If not a point source, classify as a nonpoint source

19 19 Example: Point Source Thresholds in Tons per Year (tpy) Pollutant EPA’s AERR Reporting Thresholds New Mexico Reporting Thresholds Lead (Pb)≥0.5>1 PM10≥100>10 PM2.5≥100>10 Nitrogen Oxides (NOx) ≥100>10 Carbon Monoxide (CO) ≥1000>10 Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC) ≥100>10

20 20 Point Source Characteristics Large, stationary sources ◦ Manufacturing or production plants ◦ Power plants, refineries ◦ Large, industrial facilities A single point source facility can have emissions from ◦ Smoke stacks ◦ Units within directed to stacks ◦ Fugitive sources within plant

21 21 Area (Non-Point) Sources Stationary sources that emit ◦ Less than point source threshold ◦ Smaller emitters, but numerous ◦ Often have fugitive (uncontrollable) emissions Tend to be sources like Gasoline stations Dry cleaners Auto body/paint shops Unpaved roads

22 22 Other Nonpoint Sources Other nonpoint source examples ◦ Agricultural field burning ◦ Residential wood combustion ◦ Residential combustion of household waste (backyard burning)

23 23 Event Sources Wildfires and prescribed burning ◦ Now inventoried as EVENTS

24 24 On-Road Mobile Sources Vehicles found on roads and highways (e.g., cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles) ◦ 20 volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and metals quantified (Urban Air Toxics) ◦ Diesel particulate matter and diesel exhaust organic gases also quantified

25 25 Non-Road Mobile Sources Mobile sources not found on roads and highways Lawn mowers Construction Vehicles Farm machinery Exceptions ◦ Commercial marine vessels and locomotives usually reported as a nonpoint source ◦ Aircraft usually reported as point sources at an airport

26 26 Aircraft Note about aircraft ◦ ALL airports are now considered point sources in the NEI ◦ If you have airports on your reservation, check the most recent NEI data. Use it in your EI. ◦ UNLESS you have more accurate data

27 27 Biogenic Sources Naturally occurring emissions ◦ Vegetation: Trees, shrubs, grasses ◦ Microbial: Soil bacteria, termites EPA estimates these emissions on a county level for entire country… …so you don’t have to

28 28 Point, Nonpoint, Non-road Mobile, On-Road Mobile or Event?

29 29 Point, Nonpoint, Non-road Mobile, On-Road Mobile or Event?

30 30 Point, Nonpoint, Non-road Mobile, On-Road Mobile or Event?

31 31 Point, Nonpoint, Non-road Mobile, On-Road Mobile or Event?

32 32 Point, Nonpoint, Non-road Mobile, On-Road Mobile or Event?

33 33 Point, Nonpoint, Non-road Mobile, On-Road Mobile or Event?

34 34 Point, Nonpoint, Non-road Mobile, On-Road Mobile or Event?

35 35 Point, Nonpoint, Non-road Mobile, On-Road Mobile or Event?

36 36 Homework due in 5 days: Think about what level your EI is going to be and email the answer to the instructors, using the questions below. If, as you go through the modules, you decide to change the level of your EI, that is fine, and please let your instructors know. 1.What level of EI will you be completing? 2.Based on information you already know about your land, what sources are there?

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