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Thursday, September 26, 2013 Mrs. Hensley Sedgefield Middle School.

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2 Thursday, September 26, 2013 Mrs. Hensley Sedgefield Middle School

3 Warm up Test this Friday on waves What where is the crest? Where is the trough? What do call the measurement from the crest of one wave to the crest of the next wave? crest trough Wavelength

4 Scientific Journal In your table of contents write: Wave interactions 9/26/13

5 1. Reflection – A wave bounces off of a surface. Reflecting Surface (boundary) Normal Incoming wave Reflected wave This is how we see objects. Reflection is bouncing of an incoming light wave off of a reflecting surface making a reflected wave that we see..

6 Clear vs. Diffuse Reflection Smooth, shiny surfaces have a clear reflection: Rough, dull surfaces have a diffuse reflection. Diffuse reflection is when light is scattered in different directions

7 2. Interference – when two waves collide. a) constructive interference In phase = Write a complete thought explaining constructive interference. Waves Strengthen each other

8 b) Destructive Interference Out of phase (overlap) = Write a complete thought explaining destructive interference Waves cancel each other

9 Interactive u/interference/waveinteractions/

10 3. Refraction – The bending of waves due as it goes through different medium. Write a complete thought explaining refraction.

11 Summary of Wave interactions 1. Reflection --- A bouncing wave. A reflection is when a wave bounces off of a surface. 2. Interference --- When two waves collide. 3. Refraction --- A bending wave due to a change in medium. A common example of this is when you have a straw in a glass of water.

12 Write in your journal 1. Sound is carried by waves, consisting of a series of compression and ____________. 2. The distance between the center of compression and rarefaction is called _____________. 3. Waves that are in phase when they meet, do what? rarefaction Wavelength They strengthen each other.

13 Vanishing Content An earthquake secondary (S) wave is a transverse wave.

14 Vanishing Content An earthquake primary (P) wave is a longitudinal wave

15 Why is a vacuum important? A vacuum is important because only light and EM waves can travel through it. What is a vacuum? A vacuum is a space with nothing in it. It is in outer space.

16 Interactive Notebook Time : Title: Wave Properties On the next clean page write “wave properties”. Write the date on the page Fill out TOC page

17 Summary of Wave Prosperities Wave – a disturbance (force) that transfers energy form place to place Wavelength – The distance between to crest or trough, or the distance between compression and rarefaction. Amplitude – height of a transverse wave. It is the energy of the wave. In a longitudinal wave the amplitude is how compressed the medium gets. Crest – the highest point in a wave

18 Summary of Wave Properties Trough – the lowest point in a wave Compression – longitudinal wave particles close together Rarefaction – longitudinal wave particles far apart.

19 Let’s make a wave Show : Longitudinal wave Transverse wave Crest Trough Wavelength Amplitude Compression Rarefaction

20 Video

21 Exit Ticket As you walk out the door, tell me if the ice in the bottle melted to a higher or lower level.

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