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Patrick Thornton SRI International.  Example of a Multiple Response Item ◦ Variable coding and example data  A Cross Tabulation using Proc REPORT 

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Presentation on theme: "Patrick Thornton SRI International.  Example of a Multiple Response Item ◦ Variable coding and example data  A Cross Tabulation using Proc REPORT "— Presentation transcript:

1 Patrick Thornton SRI International

2  Example of a Multiple Response Item ◦ Variable coding and example data  A Cross Tabulation using Proc REPORT  Examine the Proc REPORT Syntax for: ◦ Grouping and counting observations ◦ Creating a summary row ◦ Adding a ‘Total’ label to the summary row ◦ Creating a count and percent ◦ Summing columns 2

3  Respondents may leave blank those service categories they did not receive  Respondents may not provide a response to any of the service categories 3

4 Referral One:  Number of children receiving at least one service  Number of children receiving each service (e.g. CHI)  Percent of children receiving each service (e.g. HV)  Number of total services Total:  Children receiving at least one service  Children and percent of children receiving each service  Number of total services 4

5 proc report data=md  nowd missing;  col referral n;  define referral /group center;  define n /’Children’ center;  where CHI ne. or HV ne. or TS ne. ; run;  NOWD prevents the interactive window and MISSING includes OBS missing REFERRAL  COL determines the order of columns, REFERRAL and N where N is a key word to obtain the count of observations  DEFINE with the /GROUP option is used to obtain the distinct values of REFERRAL  DEFINE N is used to label and center the column  WHERE removes OBS missing on all service variables 5

6 proc report data=work.multir missing nowd; col referral n; define referral /group; define n /’Children’ center;  rbreak after / summarize; Run;  Creates total number of children (OBS) 6

7 proc report data=work.multir missing nowd out=d; col referral n; define referral /group; define n /’Children’ center; rbreak after / summarize; run; Proc print data=d noobs; run; 7

8 col referral  newcol n; define referral /group  noprint; define n /’Children’ center;  define newcol/computed ‘Referral’;  compute newcol /char length=15;  if _BREAK_="_RBREAK_" then newcol = 'Total'; else newcol = put(referral,myrows.); endcomp; rbreak after / summarize;  Adds NEWCOL, a computed variable not in the data set  Hides the REFERRAL variable  Defines NEWCOL as COMPUTED  Start a compute block, NEWCOL as a 15 length character variable  Test _BREAK_ for summary row and set NEWCOL to “Total,” otherwise set to formatted value of REFERRAL. 8

9 col referral newcol n  CHI  PCHI; define referral /group noprint; define n / ‘Children’ center;  define CHI / analysis ‘CHI’ sum format=5.0 center;  define PCHI /computed ‘%CHI’ format=percent8.1 center ;  compute PCHI; PCHI = CHI.sum/n; endcomp;   CHI is a column and defined as a SUM   PCHI is a column and defined as COMPUTED  PCHI is COMPUTED as CHI.SUM / n Repeat for each Service 9

10 col referral newcol n  CHI PCHI HV PHV TS PTS total;  define total/computed "Services" width=10 center; compute total;  total = sum(chi.sum, hv.sum,ts.sum); endcomp;  As shown on previous slide, service sums and computed percents. Total column is added.  Total is defined as COMPUTED  Total is sum of the sums of each service variable 10

11 proc report data=work.multir missing nowd ; col referral newcol n CHI p1 HV p2 TS p3 total; define referral /group left width=15 noprint; define newcol /computed "Referral" ; define n/format=8.0 "Children" center; define CHI / analysis sum "CHI" format=5.0 center; define HV / analysis sum "HV" format=5.0 center; define TS / analysis sum "TS" format=5.0 center; define p1 /computed "%" format=percent8.1 center ; define p2 /computed "%" format=percent8.1 center ; define p3 /computed "%" format=percent8.1 center ; define total/computed "Services" width=10 center; compute newcol /char length=15; IF _BREAK_='_RBREAK_' THEN newcol = 'Total'; else newcol = put(referral,myrows.); endcomp; compute p1; p1 = CHI.sum /n; endcomp; compute p2; p2 = HV.sum /n; endcomp; compute p3; p3 = TS.sum /n; endcomp; compute total; total = sum(CHI.sum, HV.sum, TS.sum); endcomp; rbreak after /summarize; where CHI ne. or HV ne. or TS ne. ; run; 11

12 proc report data=work.multir missing nowd; col referral newcol n CHI P1 total; define referral /group noprint; define n / ‘Children’ center; define newcol/computed ‘Referral’; define CHI / analysis ‘CHI’ sum; define P1 /computed ‘%’; compute newcol /char length=15; if _BREAK_=‘_RBREAK_’ then newcol= 'Total'; else newcol = put(referral,myrows.); endcomp; compute P1; P1 = CHI.sum /n; endcomp; define total/computed ‘Services’ width=10; compute total; total = sum(chi.sum); endcomp; rbreak after / summarize; where CHI ne.; run; Example Values Macro Variables Work&Lib Multir&d referral&row Referral&rowlabel Myrows&rowformat Children&obslabel Services&totallabel CHI HV TS&series CHI^HV^TS&labels Libref and Data Set Row variable, label and format Observation Label Total Label Variables for the multiple response item Labels for each variable 12

13 %macro chooseall(lib,d,row,rowlabel,rowformat,obslabel,totallabel,series,labels); proc report data=&lib..&d missing nowd; col &row newcol n [1 SERIES AND PERCENT] total; [e.g. CHI p1 HV p2 TS p3] define &row /group left width=15 noprint; define newcol /computed “ &rowlabel “; define n/format=8.0 “ &obslabel " center; [2 DEFINE EACH SERIES VARIABLE ] [e.g. define CHI / analysis sum "CHI";] [3 DEFINE PERCENT FOR EACH] [e.g. define p1 /computed "%“ ;] define total/computed “ &totallabel " width=10 center; compute newcol /char length=15; IF _BREAK_='_RBREAK_' THEN newcol = 'Total'; else newcol = put( &row,” &rowformat.. “); endcomp; [4 COMPUTE EACH PERCENT] [ e.g. compute p1; p1=CHI.sum /n; endcomp;] compute total; [5 COMPUTE TOTAL] [e.g. total = sum(CHI.sum, HV.sum, TS.sum);] endcomp; rbreak after /summarize; [6 CREATE A WHERE STATEMENT] [e.g. where CHI ne. or HV ne. or TS ne. ;] run; %mend; 13

14 14 %macro chooseall(lib,d,row,rowlabel,rowformat,obslabel,totallabel,series,labels); %let vargroup =; %*[1 COLUMN SERIES AND PERCENTS] ; %let define =; %*[2 DEFINE EACH SERIES VARIABLE]; %let definep =; %*[3 DEFINE PERCENT FOR EACH]; %let computedp =; %*[4 COMPUTE EACH PERCENT] ; %let total=; %* [5 COMPUTE TOTAL]; %let where=; %* [6 CREATE A WHERE STATEMENT]; %*Iterate through each variable in series; %let i = 1; %do %until(%scan(&series,&i)= | &i > 50); %let var = %scan(&series,&i); %let label = %scan(&labels,&i,%str(^)); %let i = %eval(&i + 1); %end; %*Remove the comma and or; %let total = %substr(&total,1,%eval(%length(&total) - 1)); %let where = %substr(&where,1,%eval(%length(&where) - 2)); %*[PROC REPORT FROM PREVIOUS SLIDE]; %mend; %*[1 COLUMN SERIES AND PERCENTS] ; %let vargroup = &vargroup &var p&i; %*[2 DEFINE EACH SERIES VARIABLE ]; %let define =&define define &var / analysis sum "&label" format=5.0 center%str(;); %*[3 DEFINE PERCENT FOR EACH]; %let definep = &definep define p&i /computed "%" format=percent8.1 center %str(;); %* [5 COMPUTE TOTAL]; %let total= &total &var..sum %str(,); %* [6 CREATE A WHERE STATEMENT]; %let where = &where &var ne %str(.) or;

15  PROC REPORT can Generate Client-Quality Tabulations of Multiple Response Items (MRI)  A Relatively Concise Macro can be Used to Generate the Extended PROC REPORT Syntax  Limitations ◦ The MRI variables must be coded 1=Yes, 0=No ◦ Many MRI variables requires table breaks 15

16 Your comments and questions are valued and encouraged. Patrick Thornton Ph.D. Sr. Scientific Programmer/Analyst SRI International, Center for Education and Human Services Phone: 650 859-5583 Fax: 650 859-2861 Email: Web: 16

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