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Syntax Relating to Style and Tone. What is syntax? Syntax is the way words are arranged in a sentence. – I think, therefore, I am. – Therefore, I think.

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Presentation on theme: "Syntax Relating to Style and Tone. What is syntax? Syntax is the way words are arranged in a sentence. – I think, therefore, I am. – Therefore, I think."— Presentation transcript:

1 Syntax Relating to Style and Tone

2 What is syntax? Syntax is the way words are arranged in a sentence. – I think, therefore, I am. – Therefore, I think I am. These methods affect the style and tone/mood. Do these sentences convey the same message?

3 Role of syntax in literature to provide deeper meaning to convey a mood or tone to give writer flexibility with words, grammar and punctuation

4 Effect of syntax in literature creates a poetic effect emphasizes words or subject read with a slow or faster pace creates the writer’s style – choice of words, sentence structure, and figurative language

5 Types of syntax Short or long sentences Fragments or incomplete sentences Simple or complex sentences Irregular or regular – arrangement of subject and verb

6 Analyzing Syntax in Poetry Because I could not stop for Death, He kindly stopped for me; The carriage held but just ourselves And Immortality We slowly drove, he knew no haste, And I had put away My labor, and my leisure too, For his civility. - from Emily Dickinson, “Because I could not stop for Death” Dickinson’s use of broken lines, punctuation, and choppy and inverted sentences is an example of how she uses syntax to establish her style and the tone of this poem. The arrangement of the lines lends to the lyrical and rhythmic nature of the poem.

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