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Modernist Style There is no one thing that makes a piece of writing “modern;” most modernist literature does share some defining feature.

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Presentation on theme: "Modernist Style There is no one thing that makes a piece of writing “modern;” most modernist literature does share some defining feature."— Presentation transcript:

1 Modernist Style There is no one thing that makes a piece of writing “modern;” most modernist literature does share some defining feature.

2 Change

3 Modernism Modernism represented the struggle that many had with the way that new ideas and discoveries challenged their previous lives during a time when tradition didn't seem so important anymore.



6 Ezra Pound F. Scott FitzgeraldT.S. Eliot

7 Features of modernism Non traditional subject matter and themes A focus on alienated individuals rather than heroes Use of understatement or irony to reveal emotions and ideas Use of symbols and images to suggest meaning Experimentation with style, language, and point of view

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