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Unit8 How was your school trip? 作课人:常树红. sleep late go for a drive 睡过头 驾车旅行.

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Presentation on theme: "Unit8 How was your school trip? 作课人:常树红. sleep late go for a drive 睡过头 驾车旅行."— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit8 How was your school trip? 作课人:常树红

2 sleep late go for a drive 睡过头 驾车旅行

3 rain umbrella raincoat 雨水 雨伞 雨衣

4 DVD 数字化视频光盘 yard 院子,庭院

5 sleep late 睡过头 go for a drive 驱车旅行 rain 雨水 umbrella 雨伞 raincoat 雨衣 DVD 数字化视频光盘 yard 院子,庭院 New words

6 a. watch TV with friends b. sleep late c. go for a drive e. help mom and dad d. take a class 1a Which of these activities do you want to do on your next day off? Rank them[1---5] (number 1 is the activity you dislike most.

7 1b PAIRWORK Discuss your answers. A: On my next day off, I don’t want to go for a drive. That sounds really boring. B: Oh, really? I think that sounds fun.

8 2a.What did Tina and Tony do on their last day off. Check Tony or Tina. Tony Tina help mom and dad slept latewent for a drive went camping in the rain √ √ √ √

9 2b Listen again. Who said these things about their day off? Write Tony or Tina. 1.It was really boring. 2.The weather was terrible. 3.Sounds like a busy day off. 4. Can you believe it? Tina Tony ____

10 2c Pairwork What was your last day off like? Was it a good or a terrible day? Look at the pictures, discuss with your partner. A: How was your last day off? B: It was great. A: Where did you go? B: I went to the beach and swam in the sea. What did you do? A: I studied for my English test. Look at the pictures, discuss with your partner.


12 3a Read the letter. Take notes of the things Nick did that day. Then write one or two sentences to give your opinion about the day. visited his cousins In my opinion, stayed in the house watched DVDs played computer games read it was a boring day. ____________________ _____________________ __________________ __________________________ ______ _____________________ 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

13 Questions: 1. Who wrote the letter? 2. Who was the letter to? 3. Did Nick have a very fun day? 4. What was the weather like that day? Nick wrote the letter. The letter was to Tom. No, he didn’t. It rained all day.

14 8.Did they get wet? Why? He put some of his old things out in the yard and had a yard sale. 6.In the afternoon, what did Uncle Martin do?. 7.Did anyone come to the sale? Why? He stayed in the house and watched DVDs, played computer games and read. 5.What did he do in the morning? No, they didn’t. Because they brought their umbrellas and raincoats. No, no one came. Because the weather was so bad.

15 3b Imagine that you are Tom and this is a letter from you to Nick. Fill in the blanks. Yours, Tom Dear Nick, Thanks for your letter. I’m sorry you didn’t have fun on your day off. My day off was ____ ( 很好 ). I went ________ ( 野营 ), and I visited_____________( 长城 ). It was________( 令人激 great camping exciting The Great Wall 动 ). We saw ___________________( 很多游客 ). I bought a. many foreign visitors souvenirgood _______( 纪念品 ). It was a really_____( 好的 )day. See you soon.

16 3c Now write a letter about what you did on your last day off. Read your letter.

17 Exercise Change these words in to the past forms. listen- talk- laugh- play- like- live- love- study- move- decide- want- have- do- drink- forget- speak- reply- say- copy- clean- listened talked wanted cleaned laughed liked lived loved moved decided studied replied copied said played did had drank spoke forgot

18 句型转换 1.He had lunch at home every day last year.( 否定句 ) 2.I went to Beijing with my mother in August.( 一般疑问句 ) 3.They did homework yesterday evening. (watch TV 改选择疑问句 ) 4.We visited our friends two hours ago. ( 特殊疑问句 ) 5.My aunt visited the museum.( 特殊疑问句 ) _____________ ______ He didn’t have lunch at home every day last year. Did you go to Beijing with your mother in August? Did they do homework or watch TV yesterday evening? What did you do two hours ago? Who visited the museum?.

19 汉译英 1. 他去了海边, 并且玩得高兴. 2 我没和朋友们去打篮球. 3. 你上个周末看足球比赛了吗 ? 4. 你上个休息日过的怎么样 ? 5. 谁在家帮助父母做家务了 ? 6. 她呆在家写作业了, 不是吗 ? He went to the beach and had a good time. I didn’t go to play basketball with my friends. Did you watch the football match last weekend? How was your last day off? Who helped parents with the housework? She stayed at home and did homework, didn’t she?

20 Thank you. Goodbye.









29 汉译英

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