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Governing Board Orientation & Development For audio, dial: 800-974-4575 We will begin at 12:05 to allow all participants time to log in.

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Presentation on theme: "Governing Board Orientation & Development For audio, dial: 800-974-4575 We will begin at 12:05 to allow all participants time to log in."— Presentation transcript:

1 Governing Board Orientation & Development For audio, dial: 800-974-4575 We will begin at 12:05 to allow all participants time to log in.

2 Governing Board Orientation & Development WSHA Webcast May 1, 2007 Robb Menaul

3 Funding provided by the Federal Office of Rural Health Policy through the Washington State Department of Health

4 Board Selection Orientation Goal Setting Continuing Development Performance Self-Evaluation The Process

5 Key Governance Responsibilities Quality Financial Health Future/Goals Executive Employment and Performance

6 The Goal of Orientation Give the new board member a basic understanding of the hospital; the community’s health needs; and the board’s authority, responsibility, and obligations.

7 Orientation Topics Internal External Relationships/Responsibilities Expectations

8 Steps in Orientation Make the commitment. Adopt philosophy. Allow time to organize. Who will lead & organize? Roles? CEO – Chair/Officers – Staff – Committee?

9 Steps in Orientation – continued Schedule time & content of orientation meetings. Meet in hospital. Tour. Assess new members’ specific skills, interests, knowledge, attitude. Prepare written materials –(eg: orientation manual)

10 Steps in Orientation – continued Follow up Mentor Job Description

11 Orientation Resources Your hospital, board, community health care providers WSHA Orientation Manual (



14 Orientation Resources WSHA/UW Orientation (October 2008) Mock Board Meeting (October 11, 2007) AWPHD Commissioner’s Guide (

15 The Goal of Board Development To elevate the board’s understanding of health care, the hospital and its constituents, and the community so the board has confidence in making decisions that affect health care and the health system

16 Framework for Board Member Development 3 years “orientation,” learning 3 years productivity 3 years leadership role

17 Strategies Special meetings Add to regular meetings Budget Reward attendance & learning

18 Strategies Retreat Integrate with Strategic Plan Board website

19 Some Broad Themes Changes in health care system Dept. overviews Opportunities (service, outreach, community development) Environmental Scan (e.g.: local economy, health and competition) Overview of health policy (e.g., regulation vs. free market; reform)

20 Development Brd. Self-Evaluation Orientation Regular, planned opportunities Resources Other Leadership Mission & Future Quality Policy vs. Mgmt. Stewardship Brd & Med. Staff Relations Budget Components of Board Development Skills How to read a financial report How to pick a CEO CEO evaluation Decision making/crit. thinking Other

21 Development Resources WSHA - Annual Mtg., rural workshop, orientation manual & workshops Hospital Staff AWPHD State agencies UW – Best Practices Workshop AHA - Trustee Magazine, Books




25 Resources - continued Books Seminars Internet DOH JCAHO Consultants

26 65d545540841b48c5d87e96237120b.htm

27 Roadblocks to Board Education Our administration is so good. We are so good. The CEO is sole source of information.

28 Roadblocks to Board Education - continued Can’t afford to do it Our meetings are too full now Too much time No interest among board members

29 Board Selection Orientation Goal Setting Continuing Development Performance Self-Evaluation The Process

30 Questions? Comments?

31 Future WSHA & AWPHD Programs CEO & Trustee Quality Summit Alternate day offered due to popular demand! May 30, 2007 at the SeaTac Hilton May 31, 2007 at the SeaTac Doubletree 8 AM-5 PM Facilitated by Dr. James Reinertsen

32 Future WSHA & AWPHD Programs Rural Hospital Summer Workshop Campbell’s Resort Chelan, WA June 25-27, 2007 Dennis Stillman: Board Self-Evaluation Brad Berg: Compliance Planning Jan Jennings: Building Better Boards and Managing a Hospital in the 21st Century

33 Future WSHA & AWPHD Programs WSHA 75th Annual Meeting Bell Harbor Conference Center Seattle, WA October 11, 2007 1:00-3:00 PM Mock Board Meeting – Relationships, Learning, Decision-making, and Behavior: Larry Walker, playwright

34 Thank you for participating! Please fill out the evaluation.

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