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Evidence-based Professional Development: Coaching Resources Jennifer Coffey, PhD October 2, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Evidence-based Professional Development: Coaching Resources Jennifer Coffey, PhD October 2, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Evidence-based Professional Development: Coaching Resources Jennifer Coffey, PhD October 2, 2012

2 Systems Coaching Susan Barrett Implementer Partner OSEP TA Center on PBIS Director, PBIS Regional TTAC Sheppard Pratt Health System 2

3 Why invest in coaching? Research indicated that new strategies and interventions are not implemented with integrity unless a consultant (coach) is continuously involved (Lewis and Newcomer, 2002)

4 Coaching Support in the Literature Florida MTSS (APBS, Amanda March 2011) Coaching has been found to… – Impact teacher attitudes such as job satisfaction & willingness to try new approaches – Enhance transfer of training, fidelity, and sustainability of new practices – Enhance teacher efficacy – Be popular with educators – Enhance educator collaboration Coaching literature remains unclear with regard to… – Which model is most effective – Effects on student outcomes – What knowledge, skills, and activities are required – How to best evaluate coaching – How to best prepare coaches 4

5 The Organizational Side of Coaching What are the competencies/skills required for coaching? How does an organization support a coaching model? How is leadership linked to coaching? Effective and linked leadership at every level (school, district, state) is key to the success of any systemic change, and systems change staff (i.e., coaches) have full-time responsibility for guiding implementation processes and support on-site change leadership teams (Adelman and Taylor, 2007) How does leadership across state, districts and schools create the pathways for coaching? 5

6 Outcomes of Coaching Fluency with trained skills Adaptation of trained concepts/skills to local contexts and challenges And new challenges that arise Rapid redirection from miss-applications Increased fidelity of overall implementation Improved sustainability Most often due to ability to increase coaching intensity at critical points in time. 6

7 What do they do again? How can anyone possess that many skills? Professional Development – Teaching, participating, Supporting, Delegating Leadership Support Problem Solving Skills Resource Provider Fluency with content area Facilitation and Communication Interpersonal Skills 7

8 Types of Coaching Coaching for Individual Change: focus on skill development, support and performance feedback (content specific: academic, behavior) Coaching for Team/Group Change: focus on collaboration and facilitation, group dynamics Coaching for Systems Change: focus on organizational change 8

9 Coaching Within a Statewide Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) Steve Goodman December 6, 2010

10 Coaching for Competence refers to an ongoing professional development process designed to… Ensure Implementation and Fidelity –Acquire and improve the skills and abilities needed to implement an Evidence-Based Practice with fidelity or another well-defined innovation with as intended –Generalize new and fragile skills to real world settings (classrooms, hallways, team meetings) Develop Professional Judgment –Developing a conceptual understanding of the core elements of the Evidence-Based Practice processes or the core elements of the practices associated with the intervention (focus on function of key program features)

11 Functions of Training, Coaching, and Technical Assistance Training –Specific sessions with formal activities designed for skill development Coaching –Ensuring transfer from training to practice –On-site skill development, enhancing the skills through prompting and reinforcement Technical Assistance –An expert with specific technical/content knowledge provides information to address an identified need with customized solutions.

12 Individual vs. Systems Individual coaching (sometimes referred to instructional coaching) –Enhancing the skills of the individual performer (teacher, principal) around MTSS practices for fidelity and effectiveness Systems coaching (e.g., team coaching) –Enhancing the skills of individuals within a group (team) around their collective practices for implementing/managing MTSS

13 Intensity of Supports Based on Need and Experience Skills NewEstablished Context New High Level Intensity Mid-level Intensity Familiar Mid-level Intensity Low Level Intensity from K. Blase, 2009 13 How much to Coach…

14 Providing Conceptual Feedback Whenever possible, coaching should involve providing “Conceptual” feedback regarding the “Big Ideas” of the practice or intervention Make the general point first then illustrate it with examples from data sources (Practice Profile rubric data, permanent products, student data, observational data)

15 Provides guidance, visibility, funding, political support for MiBLSiStudentsStudents Building Staff Building Leadership Team LEA District Leadership Team Across State Multiple District/Building Teams All staff All students Multiple schools w/in local district Who to Coach… How is support provided? Provides guidance, visibility, funding, political support Provides coaching for District Teams and technical assistance for Building Teams Provides guidance and manages implementation Provides effective practices to support students Improved behavior and reading ISD Leadership Team Regional Technical Assistance Michigan Department of Education/MiBLSi Leadership Michigan Multiple schools w/in intermediate district Provides guidance, visibility, funding, political support MiBLSi Statewide Structure of Support It is important to identify the unit of implementation that will be coached

16 Coaching at Building Level Focus on building capacity within district and across school buildings. May serve as a district or building level coach. May provide support to team leaders to develop skills and capacity. May provide support to other coaches at the building level. Provide communication link between district leadership team and building leadership teams.

17 Coaching at the District Leadership Team Level Who provides coaching? Who coaches the coaches? MiBLSi Technical Assistance Partner (TAP) District Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) coordinator MiBLSi TAP Coordinator MiBLSi Director/Assistant Director Intermediate School District (ISD) MTSS coordinator

18 Coaching Activities at District Level Monitor the functioning of the Implementation team Prompt effective meeting mechanics, maintaining focus on “big idea”, using data, creating an action plan, acknowledging progress Addressing any road block team is experiencing –Multiple conversations at one time, decisions made without consensus or input, dismissing a task as “completed” without any evidence, conversations straying to variables beyond their control etc.

19 Supporting Coaching Application of Implementation Drivers –Selection –Training –Coaching –Information –Materials

20 Coaching Selection –Identification of coach is embedded in application process… –Description of what a coach does Works with the schools over the course of the three years of participation, attend meeting, attend training. –Description of possible individuals who provide coaching function Typically a professional who already works in a training or consultation role (Psychologist, Social Worker, Teacher Consultant, Reading Specialist) –Background knowledge in reading or behavior support.

21 Training Coaches Annual state coaches conference Regional coaches meetings Sessions at state implementer’s conference

22 Coaching Coaches

23 Data-Based Decision Making: Facilitator Guide Guiding Questions for Team Guiding Questions for Facilitator 23

24 IN WHAT WAYS CAN AN ADMINISTRATOR SUPPORT THE MOVE TO A COACHING MODEL? Explore research around the effectiveness of a coaching model and share with the staff Provide input into the SELECTION of building level and district level coach/coaches Allocate time for coaches to successfully fulfill their roles Develop job descriptions Schedules time to meet with coaches and reflect on a regular basis (weekly/biweekly) Develop written policies and procedures to evaluate coaching performance Orientation and support is provided for new coaches Solicits formal feedback from teachers who receiving coaching services Revises policies and procedures to support both the EBP (Evidence based practice) and the Coaching system Documents barriers to coaching 24

25 SISEP Coaching Resources Drivers Best Practices – Coaching Coaching Competency

26 Evidence-based Professional Development: Coaching Domain Component: Accountability for development and monitoring of quality and timeliness of coaching services is clear (e.g. lead person designated and supported) and this includes using data to give feedback to coaches Resources: – MiBLSi (MI) District BEHAVIOR SUPPORT COACHING CAPACITY Self-Assessment (also have READING SUPPORT) implementation-science-scaling-up implementation-science-scaling-up – EBISS (OR) Coach Scope and Sequence: sig-marketplace-session-resources sig-marketplace-session-resources – (WY) Role of Principal and Coach: program-area-meeting program-area-meeting – MiBLSi Coaching through Stages of Implementation: Classroom/School – Coach’s Self-Assessment (PBIS) (Lewis-Palmer, Barrett, & Lewis 4/04) – VA Coaching Calendar: session-resources session-resources

27 Guided Notes Coaching Checklist

28 Example Coach Job Description from MiBLSi


30 Coaching Newsletters



33 Utah – Teaching Sequential Skills Coaches’ Manual: abilities/sequential-tasks-docs/coaches-manual.pdf abilities/sequential-tasks-docs/coaches-manual.pdf Utah Running Start Coaching Checklist _page_207/%232%20Coach%E2%80%99s%20Checklist.pdf _page_207/%232%20Coach%E2%80%99s%20Checklist.pdf Coaching Evaluation Survey This assessment was developed by the Florida Problem Solving/Response to Intervention Statewide Project for schools to use in evaluating the performance of their school’s PS/RtI coach during 2007-08. Coaching Evaluation Survey – uation.pdf uation.pdf

34 Evidence-based Professional Development: Coaching Domain Coaches use multiple sources of information in order to provide assistive feedback to those being coached and also provide appropriate instruction or modeling. Related resources: – COACH’S Implementation Checklist, Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) (Barrett, Lewis-Palmer, & Sugai 4/04 revised 12/10 – MiBLSi Identifying Skill Sets Along the Continuum of Support [DOC, 2011] MiBLSi Identifying Skill Sets Along the Continuum of Support implementation-science-scaling-up implementation-science-scaling-up


36 Utah – Coaching Observation Form: y_topic/sig_disabilities/sequential-tasks- docs/sequential-forms/coaching-interaction- obs.pdf y_topic/sig_disabilities/sequential-tasks- docs/sequential-forms/coaching-interaction- obs.pdf SC - Coaching and School Data Collection App: The Classroom Mosaic App, the 20-Minute Target Survey and Fidelity Checklist Tools – spdg-program-area-meeting spdg-program-area-meeting

37 Implementation Guide (Practice Profiles) Identifies critical components For each critical component: –Identifies gold standard –Identifies acceptable variations in practice –Identifies ineffective practices and undesirable practices Adapted from the work of W. David Tilly III, and Heartland Area Education Agency 11, Iowa

38 Practice Profile: District Leadership Team Example 38

39 School Implementation of SWPBS Coaching Support Plan A tool for coaches to help schools achieve two goals 1.School will meet the TIC criteria of 80% or more of items achieved by the end of this school year 2.Every school will have the procedures and materials in place for full PBS implementation

40 Articles and Research Coaches as Systems Leaders (Fullan & Knight) based-professional-development based-professional-development Study on coaching in FL (Rand) See Me, Hear Me, Coach Me (Dieker article) Virtual Coaching for Novice Teachers: Technology enables university professors to observe and literally whisper in the ear of a teacher during instruction. Virtual Coaching for Novice Teachers: Technology enables university professors to observe and literally whisper in the ear of a teacher during instruction. –

41 Utah - Developing and Supporting a Cadre of Coaches (Systems & Instructional) Who Can Help Facilitate Implementation of MTSS in LEAs – _page_68/UPDCSWOTAnalysisTable1_Handout.pdf _page_68/UPDCSWOTAnalysisTable1_Handout.pdf Utah Coaching Monograph: s/mar2010.pdf s/mar2010.pdf – Articles on systems coaching, instructional coaching, administrators’ roles, and more Utah article “Effective Teaching is an Achievable Skill” - hofmeister/?searched=coach&advsearch=oneword&highligh t=ajaxSearch_highlight+ajaxSearch_highlight1 hofmeister/?searched=coach&advsearch=oneword&highligh t=ajaxSearch_highlight+ajaxSearch_highlight1

42 Leading for Reading: An Introductory Guide for K-3 Reading Coaches PDFLeading for Reading: An Introductory Guide for K-3 Reading Coaches PDF. Chapter 1 – Defining the K-3 Coaching process. Center on Instruction [Oct. 2008] PG%20Ch%201.pdf Coaching: A Strategy for Developing Instructional Capacity Coaching: A Strategy for Developing Instructional Capacity In this paper, Barbara Neufeld and Dana Roper describe what coaching is, what coaches do, the kinds of supports that coaches need, and the potential benefits to both educators and students. The paper is co-published by the Annenberg Institute and the Aspen Institute Program on Education.

43 Past Presentations Coaching with Virtual Bug-in-Ear Technology (December 11, 2009) – Marcia L. Rock, Ph.D, Associate Professor, Director, Project TEEACH, University of North Carolina at Greensboro; John Green, Ph.D., SPDG Coordinator, Kansas – Includes PPT, Article, PDF information (No Webinar recording Coaching Within a Statewide Multi-Tiered System of Supports (PPT, 12/2011, S.Goodman, MiBLSi) Coaching Within a Statewide Multi-Tiered System of Supports – based-professional-development based-professional-development

44 Presentations and Resources Coaching PLC Presentation: Systems Level Coaching (PPT, 9/2012, S. Barrett). Coaching PLC Presentation: Systems Level Coaching (PPT, 9/2012, S. Barrett). – In this PowerPoint Dr. Susan Barrett provides information on systems level coaching, describing how to be innovators for ‘whatever’ you are trying to nurture or change in teaching staff through a coaching model. She’ll present lessons learned, types of coaching, features and tools to enhance skills and competencies for coaches. – ( professional-development) ( professional-development) Alabama SPDG On-line Coaching presentation (March 2012, Coaching/Technology PLC Presentation) Alabama SPDG On-line Coaching presentation (March 2012, Coaching/Technology PLC Presentation) –

45 SPDG-specific Tools and Resources Michigan’s (MiBLSi) Web page for coaches:

46 Other resources KU Center for Research on Learning: PBIS Coach & Trainer resources: The School Improvement Coach Web Site, which includes a coaching manual and training modules:

47 Future Events Directors or Coaching Call (Fall 2012): Online Coaching Tracking Tool, Susan Barrett, MDPBIS Technology PLC: June 2013 –Use of Avatar for PD (Sally Spencer, CSU Northridge) Coaching PLC: Mar 2013 – Fidelity data collection system, District implementation science informed approach.(Sally Helton and David Putnam, Tigard Tualatin School District)

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