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A Day’s Work. Words to Know excitement gardener motioned sadness shivered shocked slammed.

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Presentation on theme: "A Day’s Work. Words to Know excitement gardener motioned sadness shivered shocked slammed."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Day’s Work

2 Words to Know excitement gardener motioned sadness shivered shocked slammed

3 More Words to Know convinced coarse

4 excitement a condition of having strong, lively feelings about something that you like

5 gardener someone employed to take care of a garden or lawn

6 motioned made a movement, as of the hand or head, to get someone to do something

7 sadness unhappiness; sorrow

8 shivered shook with cold, fear, or excitement

9 shocked caused to feel surprise, horror, or disgust

10 slammed threw or hit something with great force

11 Tom could see the excitement on Linda’s face when she opened the gift.


13 He slammed the hammer down onto the nail.


15 The wet kitten shivered out in the cool night air.


17 The police officer motioned for me to pass him.


19 Miss Barr was shocked to find a robber in her home.


21 Chris and Kristen showed great sadness when their goldfish died.

22 Chris and Kristen showed great sadness when their goldfish died.

23 It is good to wear sunscreen if you are a gardener.

24 It is good to wear sunscreen if you are a gardener.

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