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Building a Microservices solution using Docker,

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2 Building a Microservices solution using Docker,
Building a Microservices solution using Docker, .NET and Windows Server 2016 Richard Banks ARC334

3 Overview Architecture Implementation Deployment

4 Caveats As an industry we’re still learning and maturing.
Most Microservice implementations aren’t pure… and that’s OK. Docker on Windows is still a work in progress.

5 The Microservices Pitch

Shiny! Shiny! Shiny! Netflix!! Shiny! Shiny! Shiny! Shiny! Shiny! Shiny! Shiny!

7 OK. More seriously… More flexibility/scalability than with monolithic apps Small services are easier to understand Independently deployable components

8 A few more reasons? Sure! A failure in one component doesn’t wipe out the whole system. More readily and easily evolvable Tech stack flexibility A potential path for legacy system rebuilds/rewrites

9 The Reality

10 WTF! OMG! Gah! <update resume />
Wasn’t this meant to be easy?! I can’t tell how this fits together anymore! It’s more brittle now than it ever was! Performance is terrible!!

11 Why? Complexity of Distributed Systems
Tendency to build a distributed “big ball of mud” How do we debug across multiple components? Eventual Consistency needs a paradigm shift

12 Other things to deal with
Is your database server a single point of failure/perf bottleneck? Do we need to do 2 phase commits across services? What is the current “version” of the system? How do we do authentication and authorisation?

13 Architecture

14 Design Patterns & Components
CQRS – [C]ommand [Q]uery [R]esponsibility [S]eparation Event Sourcing – Persist events, not state. Message Bus – Reliable, loosely coupled comms. using pub/sub Optimistic Concurrency – No locking anywhere

15 Design Patterns & Components
Domain Driven Design – Align microservice to Domain Context NoSQL – Persistent cache for read models/queries API Gateway – encapsulate access to services, optimised for UI Versioning – APIs and Databases

16 Overall Approach UI Request (HTTP) API Gateway Domain MicroService(s)
Commands & Queries API Gateway Commands Queries Domain MicroService(s) Read Model MicroService(s) Precomputed Results Event Sourcing Domain Events EventStore RabbitMQ Redis

17 Event Store Repository
Request (HTTP) Domain Micro Service Web API Controller Command Command Handler Aggregate Command(s) Save New Events Event Store Repository Event Handler(s) Event(s) Event(s) Event Store Message Bus (publish)

18 Query Micro Service Query (HTTP) Web API Controller
Read Model Persistence (aka View Store) Query Query Handler Split here when scaling beyond a single instance Updates Event Handler(s) Event(s) Message Bus (subscribe)

19 Specific software/libraries
RabbitMQ + EasyNetQ EventStore Redis + StackExchange.Redis ASP .NET Web API

20 Implementation

21 The Micro-café Inspired by “Starbucks does not use two phase commit”

22 What are the domain contexts?

23 Demo

24 Deployment & Docker

25 Docker Terminology Image – a read only template for a container. Not runnable. Container – a runnable instance of an image. Registry – a collection of Docker images

26 Learn to think in “containers”
How do you currently update a web site? Containers are immutable infrastructure. You don’t upgrade container apps. You replace them.

27 But what about persistence?
Option 1 – Use a clustered/HA database server. Option 2 – Use a distributed DB supporting live upgrade (Redis) Option 3 – Cloud database (e.g. SQLAzure, DocumentDB) Option 4 – Docker volumes** (persistent container storage) ** Volumes not yet available in Windows Containers

28 Demo Running EventStore in Docker

29 The Dev/Test/Prod Cycle
No source code promotion. No binary promotion either. It’s all about image approval for each environment. You’ll probably want an image repository of your own.

30 Windows Server Containers
4/27/ :14 AM Windows Server Containers Creation, deployment, and management Developers update, iterate, and deploy updated containers 2 3 Operations collaborates with developers to provide app metrics and insights Developers build and test apps in containers, using development environment i.e. Visual Studio Operations automates deployment and monitors deployed apps from central repository 1 2 Containers pushed to central repository © 2013 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. Microsoft, Windows, and other product names are or may be registered trademarks and/or trademarks in the U.S. and/or other countries. The information herein is for informational purposes only and represents the current view of Microsoft Corporation as of the date of this presentation. Because Microsoft must respond to changing market conditions, it should not be interpreted to be a commitment on the part of Microsoft, and Microsoft cannot guarantee the accuracy of any information provided after the date of this presentation. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.

31 Deployment concerns Docker Compose – sets of images/containers
Docker Swarm – cluster multiple docker hosts Apache Mesos – docker host mega-clusters

32 Q&A Richard Banks

33 Complete your session evaluation on My Ignite for your chance to win one of many daily prizes.

34 Continue your Ignite learning path
Microsoft Ignite 2015 4/27/ :14 AM Continue your Ignite learning path Visit Microsoft Virtual Academy for free online training visit Visit Channel 9 to access a wide range of Microsoft training and event recordings Head to the TechNet Eval Centre to download trials of the latest Microsoft products © 2015 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. MICROSOFT MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, IMPLIED OR STATUTORY, AS TO THE INFORMATION IN THIS PRESENTATION.


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