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2011-02-15 Seweryn Kowalski Database for NA61 experiment Nuclear Physics Department Institute of Physics University of Silesia.

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Presentation on theme: "2011-02-15 Seweryn Kowalski Database for NA61 experiment Nuclear Physics Department Institute of Physics University of Silesia."— Presentation transcript:

1 2011-02-15 Seweryn Kowalski Database for NA61 experiment Nuclear Physics Department Institute of Physics University of Silesia

2 Database status  Database divide into two pieces:  MySQL/ORACLE(test)  DSPACK  Installation inside CERN  lxplus cluster:   Access only from CERN  Oracle devdb10 2 MySQL/ORACLE DSPACK FILES NA61 SOFT KEY1,.., KEYN FILENAME DSPACK STRUCTURE DSPACK FILE

3 Database status 3  Possible installation outside CERN  Local installation  installation on CernVM  XML version  Backup MySQL server – Katowice NUPH Cluster  Version in DB:  Possible to set default version  Different version for various structures  Client side  calls from shell scripts,  plug-in system for DSSERVER  $NA49_ROOT/SCRIPTS/src/ MySQL/Oracle NA61 SOFT DSPACK FILES KEY1,.., KEYN FILENAME LXPLUS, LXBATCH NA61PC?? OUTSIDE

4 DB cache area on AFS  New place for.ds files  /afs/  Cron job – synchronization between na49db and AFS directory (once per day 1:07)  Modification of the hepdb.plugin  Lxplus, lxbatch, na61pc – no local cache files (afs)  Other host: cache file in./hepdb directory  Plug-in tested and committed to SVN  Backup MySQL DB on  Works only with new hepdb.plugin  4

5 DB Update  TPC calibration constants for 2009 runs: 7124-20000  New default KEY10=V09C  VTPC done, MTPC not yet (contact Alexander)  T0 in DB  Data in calibration file, CODE=CA  New structures: struct t0_det {float_t dt0[5]; //T0 for: vt1, vt2, mtl, mtr, gap} struct t0_global {float_t gt0; //global T0}  Geometry  2009 LHT runs,  Cumulative update for BPD geometry runs: 5650-8946  Update geometry of the GAP TPC for 2007 runs 5

6 Database status - support  DB - information  NA61 TWIKI page – topic Database Types of the keys for DB Keys values for runs Structures in DB DB Update Log DB Dump 6

7 DSPACK DUMP Database dump 7 SQL DUMP

8 KEYs values 8 No defaults

9 Problems with KEYs  Experts  Perfect solution – see Antoni M. TWIKI log 9

10 In the spirit of Software Update  New structure of DB  One DBMS (like MySQL (tested) or Oracle (tested))  Three different kind of users: User/ Client (ordinary user) – no knowledge about DB, calibration parameters etc, Developer/ Experts of some subsystems – knowledge of parameters for subsystems and dependence systems Database Administrator – knowledge about DB 10 Logical connection of parameters or detector systems Run Number Global versions (only one default for run) Structure1Structure2Structure3 STR1 V1STR1 V2STR2 V1 STR3 V1…

11 In the spirit of Software Update 11 mysql> select * from Production; +----------------+----------------+-------------+---------------------+ | RunNumber | RunDate | RunTime | DefaultVersion | +----------------+----------------+-------------+---------------------+ | 8001 | 2009-09-11 | 10:00:00 | V09_01 | | 8002 | 2009-09-11 | 18:00:00 | V09_02 | | 8003 | 2009-03-12 | 10:00:00 | V09_02 | | 8004 | 2009-03-11 | 18:00:00 | V09_01 | +----------------+----------------+-------------+---------------------+ 4 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from ListOfVersions; +------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------+ | GlobalVersion | StructureName | StructureVersion | +------------------+---------------------+-------------------------------+ | V09_01 | GPCCalib | V_GPCCalib_09_02 | | V09_01 | BPDGeometry | V_BPDGEOM_09_02 | | V09_01 | GPCGeometry | V_GPCGEOM_09_01 | | V09_02 | BeamGeometry | V_BEAMGEOM_09_01 | | V09_02 | BPDGeometry | V_BPDGEOM_09_03 | +------------------+-----------------------+-------------------------------+ 5 rows in set (0.00 sec) mysql> select * from BPDGeometry; +-------------------+------------------===-----+------------------------------------------+---------------+ | StructureName | StructureVersion | DataFileName | comments | +-------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------+---------------+ | BPDGeometry | V_BPDGEOM_09_01 | BPDGeometry/run111-999.ds | NULL | | BPDGeometry | V_BPDGEOM_09_02 | BPDGeometry/run111-999.root | NULL | | BPDGeometry | V_BPDGEOM_09_03 | BPDGeometry/run888-999.ds | NULL | +-------------------+-----------------------------+------------------------------------------+---------------+ 3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

12 In the spirit of Software Update  Name convention:  Global: V+2 last digits of year _ 2 digits i.e. V09_01, V09_02  Structure: V_structure name _ 2 last digits of year _ 2 digits V_BDPGEOM_09_01 V_GPCGEOM_09_01 12

13 New DB architecture 13

14 New DB architecture – user privileges 14 Expert - Developer DB Administrator

15 Summary  The DB is updated on user request  Backup DB server  Possible local installation  Installation on ORACLE (development stage)  Possible access from outside  The development DB on Oracle – devdb10 user: NA61_skowalsk  Conversion from MySQL SQL to Oracle SQL for old DB – done  The new DB structure is tested on MySQL system  Ready to install  Necessary modification of plug-in script  Keep data in.ds or.root files 15

16 Next steps  Near future  Move from the development to the production stage on Oracle  Plug-in modification for Oracle  Collaboration decision on DBMS  Far future (but not so far)  Production stage of new DB  New client for DB  Collaboration commissioning 16

17 Thank you

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