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Engaging Students in Learning 3c. Outcomes: Participants will…  Deepen understanding of component 3C: Engaging Students in Learning;  Gain strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Engaging Students in Learning 3c. Outcomes: Participants will…  Deepen understanding of component 3C: Engaging Students in Learning;  Gain strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Engaging Students in Learning 3c

2 Outcomes: Participants will…  Deepen understanding of component 3C: Engaging Students in Learning;  Gain strategies for modifying lessons to make them more engaging.

3 Video Clip

4 Dive Deeper  Open your “Teacher Evaluation Process Guide” and read pages 69 – 71.

5 Application  With your team, think about a lesson you have taught in the past.  Where does that lesson fit into the Levels of Performance?  Unsatisfactory, Basic, Proficient, Distinguished

6 Lesson Modification

7 Discussion  How did this change your thinking about the lesson?

8 Take Away Write 1 way you can modify a lesson tomorrow.

9 Questions  Use a sticky note to write any other questions or concerns.

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