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Tom Roche SNP Security Contract Security from a Provider Perspective.

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Presentation on theme: "Tom Roche SNP Security Contract Security from a Provider Perspective."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tom Roche SNP Security Contract Security from a Provider Perspective

2 Contract Security from a provider perspective 3.UN-changing nature of security provision 2.Changing nature of security industry 1.The changing nature of the threat

3 Contract Security from a provider perspective 3.UN-changing nature of security provision 2.Changing nature of security industry 1.The changing nature of the threat

4 Contract Security from a provider perspective “I flipped out when I found out what had happened only minutes before I got on campus.” “It’s not so hard to see how a dude could flip out, though.” “I think when you’re isolated from the community, problems can grow and become intense.” “You go a bit nuts.” Monash University Student online chat room comment

5 Contract Security from a provider perspective 3.UN-changing nature of security provision 2.Changing nature of security industry 1.The changing nature of the threat

6 Contract Security from a provider perspective 3.UN-changing nature of security provision 2.Changing nature of security industry 1.The changing nature of the threat

7 Contract Security from a provider perspective Golden rules for IT consultants: 1)In case of doubt, make it sound convincing. 2) Do not believe in miracles. Rely on them.

8 Contract Security from a provider perspective 3.UN-changing nature of security provision 2.Changing nature of security industry 1.The changing nature of the threat

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