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Contextualizing Linguistic Input/Integrating Language Skills

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1 Contextualizing Linguistic Input/Integrating Language Skills
EXPLANATION STATION Contextualizing Linguistic Input/Integrating Language Skills


3 CONTEXTUALIZATION Linguistic Context: Cohesion: The environment
Contextual clues Specific Cohesion: When one element of the text is dependent on that of another.

4 A Little Redundant? Cohesiveness is formed by removing redundancies.
The sentences can not stand independently because they are contingent on one another.

5 CONTEXTUALIZATION Extralinguistic Context!
The immediate linguistic environment Stress and intonation Often attitude Is this easy for L2 Learners??

6 BUILDING MEANING Linguistic and extralinguistic contexts play a role in meaning-making, but it is limited. In order to understand the intended meaning, we must go beyond the language system…

7 CONTEXTUALIZATION Situational Context: Acronym SPEAKING!
Language as a speech act Acronym SPEAKING! Without cohesion, a conversation is still interpretable.

Extrasituational Context: AKA context of culture Mastery of cultural norms L2 learners? Examples of misinterpretations you’ve had??

9 GOAL? “…to present the linguistic input within thematic contexts that reflect the natural use of the language.”

10 INTEGRATION Separation of skills has long been the trend of books and thinking. This is not the case in any other subject area, so why in second languages?

11 INTEGRATION OLD NEWS: active and passive
Active=speaking and writing Passive=listening and reading NEW NEWS: productive and receptive Productive=speaking and writing Receptive=listening and reading

12 INTEGRATION NOW The use of any one skill can trigger cognitive and communicative associations with the others. New lessons require “a synthesis of various language skills and various language components.” How have you done this in your lessons?

13 PLANNING What do you do if the book you are using is skill separated?
What sources would you use to integrate these skills?

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