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The Second Great Awakening and the Reform Movement - Mr. Lee / Unit 2 - Day 9.

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1 The Second Great Awakening and the Reform Movement - Mr. Lee / Unit 2 - Day 9

2 I. RELIGIOUS AWAKENING A.Second Great Awakening 1.Beginning in early 1800 2.Burst of Religious participation B.New Religious Groups form 1.African Americans form the African Methodist Episcopal Church (AME) 2.Joseph Smith in 1830 forms the Church of Latter Day Saints (Mormons) 3.Unitarians - diverged from literal biblical interpretation

3 II. REFORMING SOCIETY A.Belief they should make things better B.Reforming Education 1.Most people educated at home by parents (Noah Webster’s American Spelling Book) 2.Common Schools / Public Schools (tax supported) 3.Prevent the poor and uneducated from being oppressed by the rich and educated 4.“Good for Democracy”

4 II. REFORMING SOCIETY C.Helping the Imprisoned and Mentally Ill 1.Reformers saw the mentally ill housed with criminals in prisons 2.C reated separate facilities for the mentally ill 3.Prison Reform a.Seen as a place to reform - rather than punish criminals b.Solitary confinement is cruel c.Auburn model - prisons work together in silence, but kept in individual cells

5 II. REFORMING SOCIETY D.THE TEMPERANCE MOVEMENT A.Temperance - drinking alcohol in moderation B.Alcohol seen as source of many “urban” ills - crime, poverty, violence C.Dozens of states pass “temperance laws” outlawing the sale of alcohol in counties and towns D.Movement for a national prohibition begins E.Prohibition - complete ban on alcohol

6 III. WOMEN’S MOVEMENT A.Political/Econ status of women 1800’s 1.Could not vote 2.Could not hold public office 3.Could not serve on juries 4.Could not work in trades and professions 5.When they worked outside the home, were paid less than men for same work 6.Lost control of all money they had before marriage

7 III. WOMEN’S MOVEMENT B.Women lack of rights seen similar to those of slaves C.Seneca Falls Convention 1.Beginning of a national women’s movement 2.In 1848 New York passed the Married Women’s Property Act D.Inspiring 1.Amelia Bloomer - The Lily, a “radical” newspaper, which advocated women’s equality (wears pants as well as dresses!) 2.Susan B. Anthony - fought for women’s right to vote, not won until 1920!


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