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SIlicon VErtex TrAcker Rather than fixed common geometry the common analysis and simulation tools are needed. Such software package should provide : 

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Presentation on theme: "SIlicon VErtex TrAcker Rather than fixed common geometry the common analysis and simulation tools are needed. Such software package should provide : "— Presentation transcript:

1 SIlicon VErtex TrAcker Rather than fixed common geometry the common analysis and simulation tools are needed. Such software package should provide :  Standard analysis tools: hit, track, vertex reconstruction etc. (could be used as a base for future real data analysis)  Simulation tools: multiple scattering, Landau dE/dz etc.  Event display: debugging and visualization  Many more…. SIVETA

2 2 SIVETA description  SIVETA is a simulation package invented for PHENIX Silicon upgrade R&D. It’s meant to be public lib.  Features implemented (10/25/01):  flexible geometry : allows to add any type of detector or inactive layer, vary the position, thickness, rotation etc.  Hit reconstruction: given the MC track in PHENIX lab frame the hits are reconstructed, Moliere scattering and dE/dz is performed.  Vertex and track reconstruction : the “Robust” vertex finding algorithm and “track finder” are (will be) implemented.  2D Event Display: is ready, displays geometry, hits and tracks

3 3 Technical notes  Easy to customize  Hit digitization (detector resolution).  Displaced vertex algorithm etc.  Root based  Vector manipulation (Tvectro3, TLorentzVector)  Collection Classes (TClonesArray)  Graphics

4 4 Program description SIVETA home page under construction.

5 5 SIVETA Event Display l Simple algorithm for hit associations l Finds the shortest vector connecting the track and collision vertex

6 6 yield in Pythia 317 125 62 1870 1865 2285 M inv [MeV] Three decay channels are considered: Scaling from pp to AA according Glauber model:

7 7 Pythia pp SPS  s = 17GeV/c RHIC  s = 200GeV/c No K-factor (with K  5 N cc  10)

8 8 Tracking and Displaced Vertex no. of tracks Mean=10 Pythia pp  s = 200GeV/c [cm] =280  m =140  m Closest distance to coll. vertex True distance reconstructed distance =1 cm Displ. vert

9 9 To Do list  Vertex reconstruction  Robust Vertex Fitter (exponential weights)  More advanced tracking  Vertex -> Si1 -> Si2  Displaced vertex reconstruction  closest distance between 3 tracks in 3D (partially done)  Mass reconstruction  ??

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