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Coping With Stress. Personality Types Type A More competitive, rushed, and time oriented Type B More flexible and less rushed Most people have characteristics.

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Presentation on theme: "Coping With Stress. Personality Types Type A More competitive, rushed, and time oriented Type B More flexible and less rushed Most people have characteristics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coping With Stress

2 Personality Types Type A More competitive, rushed, and time oriented Type B More flexible and less rushed Most people have characteristics of both types (determined by situation)

3 Time Management Time is a factor in relieving stress People who manage their time well are better able to control the stress in their lives Time-management skills: the ability to effectively arrange one’s time

4 Poor time managing problems  Always rushing  Trouble finding things  Tired from hours of nonproductive activity  Do not have enough time to relax and rest  Regularly miss deadlines  Doing several tasks at a time  Having trouble deciding what to do next

5 Defense Mechanisms: strategies to deal with stressful situations Denial: refusal to accept reality Escape, or Fantasy: running away from problem (daydream, books, sleep) Rationalization: justify one’s actions rather than admitting mistake Projection: protect one’s self-esteem by blaming others Repression: blocking out thought of unpleasant experiences Displacement: expressing feelings toward someone not associated with the source of the feelings

6 Managing stress Planning Write down commitments on a calendar This helps you think ahead Laughing This releases stress that builds up when things are going wrong

7 Re-channeling your energy Transfer negative energy into some other activity Taking a walk, cleaning your room, exercise, go to the mall Learning to relax Let your mind wander, daydream, visualization Calling a support group People to help you: family, friends, church leader, teachers, employers





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