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Biofuels Paige Davison Nicole Sparrow Tori Campbell Isaac Curry Sydnie Kovacs.

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Presentation on theme: "Biofuels Paige Davison Nicole Sparrow Tori Campbell Isaac Curry Sydnie Kovacs."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biofuels Paige Davison Nicole Sparrow Tori Campbell Isaac Curry Sydnie Kovacs

2 BIOFUELS! What equipment do We need and how much does it cost? Types of equipment you need for bio fuels. Costs Gas station $150 - $200 Wind turbines $2800 - $4800 Dams $10,000,000

3 Do you need bio fuels in the U.S? People need bio fuels in the U.S to save more energy for the earth to be a better place. If every continent in the world could use bio fuels we would be able to stop global warming! These are some forms of bio fuels.

4 How Do Biofuels Work? Biofuels are alternative fuels that are better for the environment. There are many types of biofuels. Biodiesel is the most common biofuel produced in Europe. Bioalcohol is biologically produced alcohol. Biogas is produced by the process of anaerobic digestion.

5 Types of Biofuels! There are many types of biofuels including... Biogas- produced by a process called anaerobic digestion, and is commonly used as fertilizer. Biodiesel- the most common biofuel in Europe, and is produced from oils and fats by using a process called transesterification. Bioalcohol- biologically produced alcohols, and is often used as a direct replacement for gasoline. Ethanol- this fuel is the most common in biofuels, and can be used in patrol engines as a replacement for gasoline. Solid Biofuels- wood, sawdust, grass cuttings, domestic refuse, charcoal, agricultural waste, and non-food energy crops are all examples of this.

6 BIOFUELS ~The good and negative aspects of biofuels~ While biofuels share similar attributes with oil-based fuel, they aren't perfect substitutes for oil. They can be used in existing gasoline and diesel engines in blends of up to 10 percent in the case of ethanol and 20 percent for biodiesel with little or no engine modification. This compatibility contrasts with hydrogen fuel cell technology, which would require a radically different distribution system. However, ethanol has only two-thirds the energy content of gasoline, and biodiesel has 90 percent of that diesel. Thus, a car will get fewer miles per gallon the greater the biofuel blend. Biofuels are safe and can be used in engines with little or no modification at all. Biofuels can make oil prices go down and can be a good substitute for gasoline.

7 BIOFUELS ~Where biofuels work best~  In the Southwest  Brazil, Canada, China, and many other countries make biofuels.  Brazil makes their biofuels by blending sugarcane, soybeans, and palm oil together.  Canada makes biofuels by blending corn, wheat, and straw together.  China makes their biofuels by blending corn, wheat, cassava, and sweet sorghum together.

8 Who can use biofuels? Biofuels are approved in the U.S. The gas stations call it fuel additive with the Environmental Protection Agency. Your car must have a diesel engine to use any biofuel. Older cars usually have their fuel lines changed from natural rubber to synthetic rubber hoses.

9 Where can you store biofuels? In any clean, dry or dark environment. Copper, brass, lead, tin, and zinc should be avoided. Aluminum, steel, fluorinated polyethylene, fluorinated polypropylene and Teflon are the places you should to store it.

10 How Bio Fuels work Well Anywhere Most cars and trucks on the road today are fueled by gasoline and diesel fuels. The fuels are produced from oil, which is a non- renewable fossil fuel. Biol fuels like ethanol, butane and diesels are made from crops and agricultural residues. Biol fuels are produced domestically, and the feed stocks for them are grown domestically

11 Another Way Biofuels Can Be Used Well Anywhere. Cars that run on ethanols are governed by the same law of physics as those using gasoline. Biofuels can be used on landfill gas analyzer. There are many sites of these types. Pyrolysis of Biomass is used to produce a mixture of three combustible products from biomass. Tar, gas and coke are formed from this product.

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