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1 Reduce Compactor Pick ups and SAVE MONEY Compactor Monitor Service.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Reduce Compactor Pick ups and SAVE MONEY Compactor Monitor Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Reduce Compactor Pick ups and SAVE MONEY Compactor Monitor Service

2 2 Trash Disposal Process Scenario #1 –Pre-determined schedule –1x/week or 3x/week, etc. Scenario #2 –Call-in basis –Manual phone-in to hauler Can’t see inside a compactor How do you know when it’s full?

3 3 Potential problems Scenario #1 - Pre-determined schedule –Fixed cost structure –Potential for over-service –Not cost effective if there is a hauling charge Scenario #2 - Call-in basis –Potential for under-service or over-service –Human involvement –Not cost effective if there is a hauling charge

4 4 Is it Full??? How do you know? The gauge says that it is, but is it really?

5 5 The Gauge shows the container filling.

6 6 A “False Full” reading is indicated on the gauge, caused by trash at rear of container

7 7 After more compactions, the waste bridges and then breaks up. This process often repeats itself with continual compactions. The gauge now indicates more space is available!

8 8 Compaction

9 9 …more bridging

10 10 …more compaction

11 11 The monitor records every compaction and becomes an efficient solution for optimum pick- up scheduling

12 12 The monitoring system Monitoring CenterPhone line Trash Compactor Monitor Hauler

13 13 Saving on Pick-Ups Before– Pick-Ups 7 days apart.After– Pick-Ups 14-21 days apart. Savings of 50-66%!

14 14 Compactor Compaction Cycle Bridge Pick up

15 15 Providing Ongoing Savings & Improving the Bottom Line by Reducing Pick up Frequency Annual # of Pulls

16 16 Guarantee Risk Free Opportunity –If there are no savings, then there is no fee for the service. Actual # of pick-ups is compared to a Baseline or business-as-usual number No Capital Outlay No Employee Involvement No Worries!

17 17 Installation is both fast & easy

18 18 Thank You 19283 HWY 82 WEST Sherman, TX 75092 903-815-1286

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