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MY ABC Book of us history Tyler Lowe 4 5-12--11. A Abolition –free slave Arden- an immigrant living Annex – to add a territory.

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Presentation on theme: "MY ABC Book of us history Tyler Lowe 4 5-12--11. A Abolition –free slave Arden- an immigrant living Annex – to add a territory."— Presentation transcript:

1 MY ABC Book of us history Tyler Lowe 4 5-12--11

2 A Abolition –free slave Arden- an immigrant living Annex – to add a territory

3 B Boycott –to refuse to buy items Boomtown –growth in business or population Blockade-cut off an area by mean

4 C Cash crop –farm crop raised to be sold Cede – to give up by treaty Causally – a military person killed wanted

5 D Desert – to leave without permission Diversity- variety or difference Daft – the selection of person for military

6 E Export – to sell good abroad Emancipate –to free from slavery Entrenched –occupying a strong defensive

7 F Frigate – warship Freedman – a person freed from slavery Fugitive – runaway or trying to run away

8 G Global warning- a steady increase in average Greenback –a piece of us paper money Guerrilla tactic –referring to surprise attacks

9 H Holocaust -name given to mass slaughter Jews Horizontal integration- the combining of competing Hieroglyphics- an achiest from of writing

10 I Import –to buy good from foreign markets Impressments – forcing people into service as in the navy Ironclad –armored naval vessel

11 J Joint occupation- the possession and settling of an Judicial branch- the branch of government include the Judicial review –the right of the supreme court to determe

12 K Helen Keller-overcame her illness of Berger Bleeding Kansas-it was arrival one for Knox henry

13 L Lynching –putting to death a person by the illegal Loyalists –American colonist who remained loyal Landslide-an overwhelming victory

14 M Maize –an early form of corn grown by native Majority – more than half Mission –religious settlement

15 N Neutral –taking no side in a conflict Neutrality –a position of not taking side Nullify – to cancel or make ineffective

16 O Ordinance – a law or regulation Offensive –position of attacking Override – to overturn

17 p Plurality –largest single share Petition- a formal request Pilgrims – a journey to holy place

18 Q Quaker – believed that every individual had Quebec act-passed shortly after the coercing Quechua –the Inca language

19 R Radical-extreme Ranchero-Mexican ranch owner Recruit- to enlist soldier in the army

20 S Secede- to leave or withdraw Secession- withdraw from the union Sectionalism –loyalty to a region

21 T Tariff –a tax on imports of exports Total war-war on all aspects of the Tribute –money paid for protection

22 U Unalienable right –a right that cannot be surrender Union situational –not agreeing of consistent with Utopia –community based on a vision of a perfect

23 V Vaquero- Hispanic ranch land Veto- to reject a bill and prevent it Vigilantes – people who take the law into

24 W War hawk-republias during Madison president Write of assistance-legal document that enables War of 1812

25 X Xyz –affair –x,y,and z the president urged

26 Y Yankee – union soldier Yeoman – southern owner of a small farm who did Yellow journalism – a type of sensational

27 Z Zenger john peter- of the new York journal Zuni – the people of the south west

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