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Patriot Traits Stay Strong Hallway Behavior Learning Targets 1.I can act appropriately in the hall. 2.I can make North Middle a safer place to be. 3.I.

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Presentation on theme: "Patriot Traits Stay Strong Hallway Behavior Learning Targets 1.I can act appropriately in the hall. 2.I can make North Middle a safer place to be. 3.I."— Presentation transcript:


2 Patriot Traits Stay Strong Hallway Behavior

3 Learning Targets 1.I can act appropriately in the hall. 2.I can make North Middle a safer place to be. 3.I can interact with school guests appropriately.

4 What does appropriate hallway behavior look like/sound like? Number off into groups of 3 or 4 Brainstorm for 2-3 minutes Each group share out 1 idea for the question After each group’s response, share why the behavior is important-what are the consequences of inappropriate behavior?

5 Did you think of this? Walking o Keep walking without running or loitering o There are over 1,ooo people at NMS! Two Way Traffic o Stay to the Right-especially when going around a corner! o There are over 1,000 people at NMS! Keep hands and feet to yourself o Just when you think it’s a joke the other person gets upset! o There are over 1,000 people at NMS! Use inside voices o not everyone wants or needs to hear what you are saying o There are over 1,000 people at NMS!

6 Be A Patriot Respect-Responsibility-Integrity Lend a Hand o Open a door, pick up a piece of trash, or help a fellow student who dropped his or her things “Excuse me” o Accidents happen. If you bump in to someone, use your manners. Represent NMS! Make a positive impression! o Say “Good Morning or hello” when you meet someone. Be respectful of subs. o We have guests in our building daily!

7 Why? There are over 1,000 people at NMS! On any given day, we have guests (parents, new students, voters, substitute teachers and aides, student teachers, news media, politicians, school board members, etc) who judge our school by their observations of our hallways and classrooms. It can be crowded, it must be safe and orderly.

8 And Remember… We are Watching

9 Learning Targets Revisited 1.How does one act appropriately in the hall? 2.How does acting that way make North Middle a safer place to be? 3.Who are guests of North Middle and what do our actions make them think of us? Did we cover all that we were suppose to cover?

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