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HUNTERS AND GATHERERS. The Earliest People  Probably lived in Africa.  The men hunted and the women gathered to have enough food to survive.

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Presentation on theme: "HUNTERS AND GATHERERS. The Earliest People  Probably lived in Africa.  The men hunted and the women gathered to have enough food to survive."— Presentation transcript:


2 The Earliest People  Probably lived in Africa.  The men hunted and the women gathered to have enough food to survive.

3 The Earliest People  They united in bands to meet their basis needs of food, clothing, and shelter.  In larger bands (50 – 100 people) not everyone had to gather food so a division of labor began (doing different jobs based on abilities and the band’s needs)

4 The Earliest People  They were nomads (without a settled home).  Experience taught them what foods made them sick or caused death.

5 Hunters and Gatherers/ Nomads  Nomads depended upon the weather and nature.  What would be some advantages of being a nomad?

6 The Earliest People  They migrated (moved from one place to the next) to find enough food to survive.  People began this migration process from Africa.  During the time of the Ice Age, people migrated across the Bering Strait into North America.

7 Early Cultures and Societies  People were set apart by art, beliefs, customs, and languages.  Language helped people join together into a society.

8 Early Cultures and Societies  Culture- a way of life (food, language, religion, clothes, hobbies).  Artifacts- objects that are human made from long ago.

9 EARLY FARMERS – Controlling Nature  Early people began to domesticate (tame living things-plants or animals- for humans use) and raise livestock.  The first domesticated animal was the dog—to help with hunting food.

10 Early Farmers  Agriculture- the raising of domesticated plants and animals- changed human societies forever.= a farming revolution!  Steady food supplies meant healthy, growing populations.

11 Early Farmers  Farming allowed people to live in one place forming small villages and meeting their basic needs  Fewer people died of starvation. But people began to fight over land and steal food.

12 Early Farmers  Early people settled near river valleys because there was an abundance of water.  The flooding of these rivers caused the land to become more fertile so they could grow better and more crops.  And as they had more things to move from one area to another, the Sumerians invented the wheel and axle.

13 Early Farmers  Agriculture allowed people to depend on a reliable source of food, so people had more time to make tools like the plow which was invented by the Sumerians.

14 Trading  At this point in time, money had not been invented so people relied on bartering to exchange goods and/or services for goods and/or services.

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