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EQ: Why does the surface of the Earth change?

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Presentation on theme: "EQ: Why does the surface of the Earth change?"— Presentation transcript:

1 EQ: Why does the surface of the Earth change?
125 Evidence of Continental Drift Evidence of Continental Drift 126 12/14/15 12/14/15 EQ: Why does the surface of the Earth change? Application/ Starter: Look at the pie chart. What are the four most abundant elements in order from least amount to greatest amount in the layers of the earth? Connection/, Exit: What are your ideas about how the continents are able to move? Practice:

2 Look at the pie chart on the left
Look at the pie chart on the left. What are the four most abundant elements in order from least amount to greatest amount in the layers of the earth? Starter  Iron 5%, aluminum 8.13%, silicon 23.77%, oxygen 46.6%

3 1 Starter 2. Notes 3. Map Activity 3. Exit
December 14, 2015 AGENDA Objective 8.9A Students will describe the historical development of evidence that supports plate tectonic theory by reading and writing during notes and an activity.

4 Table of Contents Date Lecture/ Activity/ Lab Page
12/ Newton’s laws Video Quiz 12/ Newton’s third Law Lab # 12/ Newton’s Laws Writing 12/ Newton’s Laws Review Lab 12/ Test Review 12/ Plate Tectonic 12/ Evidence of Continental Drift

5 Historical Evidence: Rock Evidence
Description: Similar matching rock strata sequences of Appalachian (United States), and Caledonian (Norway) Mountains Location:United States, Greenland, Norway, United Kingdom, Africa

6 Historical Evidence: Cynognathus
Description: dog-shaped, mammal-like, meat-eating reptile Location: Africa, South America

7 Historical Evidence: Glossopteris
Description: seed ferns with tongue-shaped leaves Location: Africa, India, South America, Antarctica, Australia

8 Historical Evidence: Lystrosaurus
Description: plant-eating dinosaur with short legs and a barrel-shaped body Location: Africa, India, Antarctica

9 Historical Evidence: Mesosaurus
Description: freshwater, crocodile-shaped reptile, approximately 1 m long Location: Africa, South America

10 Sea Floor Spreading: Process by which new oceanic lithosphere forms at mid-ocean ridges

11 Ocean floor is pushed away from mid-ocean ridge by the formation of new ocean floor

12 Mid Ocean Ridge A large system of underwater mountains that have a deep crack running through the center. This deep crack is called a rift valley. .

13 Forms the single largest mountain chain in the world.
Mid Ocean Ridge Forms the single largest mountain chain in the world.

14 Formation of new oceanic crust begins at the mid-ocean ridges
Formation of new oceanic crust begins at the mid-ocean ridges. The farther away the crust from the ridge, the older the crust is. As the new ocean floor is formed, it pushes any continents with it. This explains continental drift.

15 Ocean trenches are the deepest part of the ocean
Ocean trenches are the deepest part of the ocean. They are found close to some continents or near islands. As the ocean floor spreads, it eventually moves down deep into the Earth along the trenches. The process by which crust plunges back into the Earth is called subduction.


17 Evidence of Continental Drift Evidence of Continental Drift
131 Evidence of Continental Drift Evidence of Continental Drift 132 12/16/14 12/16/14 Starter: Application/ Look at the pie chart. What are the four most abundant elements in order from least amount to greatest amount in the layers of the earth? Practice: Connection/, Exit: What are your ideas about how the continents are able to move?

18 Application: Use the maps to shade in the area of each type of historical evidence on your map.

19 What are you ideas about how the continents are able to move?
Connection/Exit: What are you ideas about how the continents are able to move?

20 EQ: Why does the surface of the Earth change?
125 Evidence of Continental Drift Evidence of Continental Drift 126 12/14/15 12/14/15 EQ: Why does the surface of the Earth change? Application/ Starter: Look at the pie chart. What are the four most abundant elements in order from least amount to greatest amount in the layers of the earth? Connection/, Exit: What are your ideas about how the continents are able to move? Practice:

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