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Calibration WG Overall goals: 2.Develop and implement means for reducing intersite variations in fMRI sensitivity - Procedures on web site - Paper in press:

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Presentation on theme: "Calibration WG Overall goals: 2.Develop and implement means for reducing intersite variations in fMRI sensitivity - Procedures on web site - Paper in press:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Calibration WG Overall goals: 2.Develop and implement means for reducing intersite variations in fMRI sensitivity - Procedures on web site - Paper in press: Friedman & Glover, JMRI 1. Develop and maintain scanner QA methods

2 Calibration WG Proposed intersite calibration aims: 1. Further develop BH methods (GHG) 2.Develop ASL methods (Tom Liu) 3. Examine smoothing equalization (Friedman et al., in review) 4. Develop new method based on SFNR (Lee Friedman) Bonus Aim

3 Update on BH Theory and measurements developed Paper on BH kids/adults (Thomason, NI 2005) Paper on BH calib (Thomason, HBM in press) Next steps

4 Children Working Memory Adults Spatial Verbal M. Thomason low high medium low high medium

5 BH-induced BOLD signal Vascular res.   HR    CBF  hypoxia Basal metab.  O 2 , CO 2, NO, H +   vasodilation   rCBF Thomason, et. al, NI 2005

6 Vascular BOLD Uniformity Thomason, et. al, NI 2005

7 BH Task: Children vs. Adults Thomason, et. al, NI 2005

8 BH Task: Children vs. Adults Thomason, et. al, NI 2005

9 BOLD Signal Davis, PNAS (1998) Buxton, 2003 rCBF [HbO2] OEF [Hb] CMRO2 = OEF x rCBF x [HbO2] M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006

10 BOLD Signal Kastrup (1999) Hoge (1999) BH task F = f BH /f a M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006

11 Use BH task (non-neuronal, no change in CMRO2) to normalize cognitive task Reduces signal change related to vasoreactivity Should reduce inter-subject variance BH Calibration Method

12 Adult subjects performed - SWM task (Sternberg) - BH task Compared intersubject variability in WM effect with/without BH calibration WM/BH Study M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006

13 Raw Calib Calibration: WM M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006

14 Calibration: WM Raw pixel- wise ROI whole brain 1 Slice for all subjects M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006

15 Calibration: WM Raw pixel- wise 1 Slice for 3 subjects M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006

16 No calib BH Calibration: Individual Subs Calib 5 ≤ t ≤ 20 M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006

17 Calibration: SWM 5 subjects, parietal M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006

18 No calCalib 3.5 ≤ t ≤ 10 vol = 1.24 @ p.001vol = 1.0 BH Calibration: Group Activation M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006

19 Activation Response M. Thomason et al., HBM 2006 t-score average = 7.82t-score average = 14.58 No calCalib

20 Update on BH Theory and measurements developed Paper published on BH kids/adults Paper in press BH calib Next steps

21 Update on BH Theory and measurements developed Paper published on BH kids/adults Paper in press BH calib Next steps

22 Variations in inspiration may modulate blood oxygenation Vascular Responsivity: BH Sl 10, aud

23 Behavioral Effect Mitigation Approaches Model breathing variations using GLM Signal = a * Resp + b * HR

24 Vascular Responsivity: BH GHG111603

25 Behavioral Effect Mitigation Approaches Model breathing variations using GLM Signal = a * Resp + b * HR Provide respiration feedback to maintain inspiration level constant

26 BH Status Program available to make calibrated timeseries- input = timeseries, BH scan, params Developing feedback device piezo electric resp monitor from ADI LED meter, analog electronics. Est. cost $500

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