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Master ASL Unit 9 My Home & Community

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1 Master ASL Unit 9 My Home & Community
Student Booklet

2 EYES ON ASL Review Can you describe…
Eye contact (pg 8) Closing signals (pg 9) One-word answers (pg 10) Non-manual signals with yes and no (pg 30) When signs come first (pg 59) WH-signs come at the end of sentences (pg 64) Numbers 1-5 always… except when… (pg 99) Contrastive Structure (pg 131) Age Spot (pg 134) Number and subject agree for ASL Pronoun (pg 153) Classifiers must be identified first (pg 194) Time signs are also when signs (pg 199) Tense markers are generally located (pg 231) Use spatial organization to… (pg 262) The sequence used to describe somebody… (pg 294) EYES ON ASL Review Can you describe…

3 Unit Nine Objectives: To describe your home and community
To sign money using the Money Spot and Dollar Twist To describe objects using spatialization techniques To understand and give street directions To understand how social changes affect the Deaf World To learn and apply non-manual signals

Mouth the word cha while signing big or mansion to emphasize an object’s size.

5 Fingerspell: apt (apartment) Cabin Condo Duplex Studio th (townhouse) Note: Variation for What Kind?

6 ASL Gloss: What kind home you have, you?
Where do you live? ASL Gloss: What kind home you have, you?

7 ASL Gloss: Before I live house. Recently move apt. You?
I used to live in a house, but just moved to an apartment. What about you? ASL Gloss: Before I live house. Recently move apt. You?

8 I live in a house with my family.
ASL Gloss: I live house with family me.

9 Places Around The House

10 More about housing…

11 and more…

12 Note: Add the room sign where indicated


14 The key to Spatial Visualization DVD pg 337
Provide enough detail for someone to create a mental image of what the signer sees. Think of it as a Virtual Tour. Your descriptions must reflect your own perspective (signer’s perspective) Start with the big picture… … then move onto the details (find a starting point). Ex. House, two story… … front door, stairs on left, couch in front, door to kitchen on right The key to Spatial Visualization DVD pg 337

15 TIPS… You are the reference point
Start general and add secondary details Use eye gaze Use non-manual signals If you’re watching something being described, look at things from the signer’s perspective, not your own. TIPS…


17 Bird’s Eye View vs. Signer’s Perspective
Always change bird’s eye view to signer’s perspective Describe the lay out how you see it


19 HOSPITAL variation x3

20 More places around town…

21 POLICE variation x3

22 I WANT TO KNOW Why is there not a sign for station? …. Redundancy. The sign for station is already in the sign. When you fill up with gas you are implying that you are at a gas station.

23 Fingerspell the following:
Bank Park Café Zoo Mall Fingerspell the following:

24 ~ Add the NMS: use your lips to mouth ‘po’
POST OFFICE ~ Fingerspell PO ~ Add the NMS: use your lips to mouth ‘po’

25 ASL UP CLOSE: Using CL: 5 Claw with spatialization pg 344
This classifier is a spatial placeholder for one or more places ~ use to describe a location of building or structures in relation to each other ~ use to show the distance between to buildings or structures ~ use to show nearby, not too far, next to, across from

26 Building or to build (variation)


28 mocked Divine Punishment pitied hidden Deaf peddler? cursed exposure institutionalized barriers

29 Focus: The Deaf and Hearing Worlds Read pg
Focus: The Deaf and Hearing Worlds Read pg. 342/343 Summarize the article

30 Acceptance understanding visibility Mutually beneficial communication appreciation RESPECT

31 Deaf people can do anything but hear.
Dr. I. King Jordan First Deaf President of Gallaudet University

32 Individualism Collectivism DEAF CULTURE NOTE: ~ Read pg 346 ~ Create a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting these two cultural values ~ be prepared to discuss and hand in your diagram


34 To Buy To Pay

35 To be cheap Cost/Price Expensive

36 Credit/Debit Card Dollar

37 To Earn Free

38 To be broke To leave something/ abandon

39 Use the phrase BLOW AIR for phrases like: Nada Zilch Nothing I have no money Not a dime

40 Fingerspell: ATM Cash Check Sale Tax Tip

41 STOP!!! We can’t talk about money until we know what the MONEY SPOT and DOLLAR TWIST are. Pg 348

42 Signing only cents Touch the Money Spot before making a number sign. You may also touch a number sign directly to the Money Spot as well.

43 Signing only about dollar amounts up to $9.00
Twist the wrist forming a number sign, up to 9. This is called the Dollar Twist.

44 Signing dollar amounts higher than $9.00
Follow a number with the dollar sign.

45 Signing about mixed amounts of dollars and cents.
Use the Dollar Twist if necessary, but do not touch the Money Spot for the cents amount. The numbers following the dollar amount are understood as cents.

46 Getting Around Town Highway/Freeway

47 Right Left

48 Subway Traffic Intersection

49 Corner

50 Stop Sign Stop Light

51 ASL UP CLOSE Using CL: Bent V
Bent V is used to describe people in the seated position. CL: 3 is used to show a vehicle in motion CAREFUL! Use the proper classifier depending what the subject is (the car or the person riding in it) ASL UP CLOSE Using CL: Bent V

52 Keep Going This expression conveys continuous travel in a vehicle, similar to phrases like: Keep driving To drive for awhile A long drive

53 To ride in/on

54 To get in (a vehicle) To get out (of vehicle)

55 To ride for awhile. To switch/transfer. (in English we would
To ride for awhile To switch/transfer (in English we would say, “and then…”)

56 Milan, Italy, 1880 Mary J. Thornley
Journal Activity Pg What is your reaction to this painting? What is the artist saying? Milan, Italy, Mary J. Thornley

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