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Who will go for us? Isaiah 6: 1-13 (p. 636) Being human... a “I s prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?” Corrie Ten Boom b We’re very self-sufficient.

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Presentation on theme: "Who will go for us? Isaiah 6: 1-13 (p. 636) Being human... a “I s prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?” Corrie Ten Boom b We’re very self-sufficient."— Presentation transcript:


2 Who will go for us? Isaiah 6: 1-13 (p. 636)

3 Being human... a “I s prayer your steering wheel or your spare tire?” Corrie Ten Boom b We’re very self-sufficient when things are good b Turn to God when we hit a crisis a Faith recognizes who God is and our place under Him

4 1. A Vision of God a Isaiah sees... [God] b On a high and exalted throne b The hem of his robe fills the temple; the temple is filled with smoke, and shakes b Seraphs call to each other in excitement and awe: g “Holy, holy, holy is the L ORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his glory” [cf Rev 4:8] g Holiness – God is separate/other/different; God is ethically pure g He is sovereign Lord of the whole earth

5 2. An Awareness of Sin a Isaiah’s immediate response: “Woe to me! I am ruined” b People who saw God expected to die (Gen 32:30; Ex 20:19, 33:20; Dt 18:16; Jud 13:22) a His problem: Sin b I am a man of unclean lips: His character/lifestyle did not match God’s! [Lev 19:1-2] b A people of unclean lips: All have fallen short of their Covenant obligations a His Solution: God takes away his sin and atones for it.

6 3. A Difficult Task a Isaiah overhears the “Council of Heaven” b Who will go for us? b Isaiah volunteers without knowing the task. a The task: “Tell this people” b Hear but don’t understand; See but don’t know. b Make the heart of the people calloused... close their eyes. b How long? Until destruction has come. a Only a stump will remain [it will give forth a new shoot]

7 Temptation – stop at v. 8... a A “good” text... but it ends very uncomfortably for us. b How can God want to prevent people from seeing so that they can turn and be healed? b Isaiah’s faithful prophecy would not lead to repentance but hardening of heart... for his generation b BUT... the record of his faithful proclamation would save future generations b His task was not to be successful but faithful a His vision of God was to strengthen and encourage him for his task.

8 True faith True Faith is all-day, every-day recognition of God as he is, and our place under him True faith leads, not to safety and comfort... but to servant-hood


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