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Science fair project By Keagan Felder. Big question Will bottles with less water make a higher pitch sound I think this because more air is in it.

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Presentation on theme: "Science fair project By Keagan Felder. Big question Will bottles with less water make a higher pitch sound I think this because more air is in it."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science fair project By Keagan Felder

2 Big question Will bottles with less water make a higher pitch sound I think this because more air is in it

3 Hypothesis I think bottles with less water will have a higher pitch sound I guess this because of a project my sisters did

4 Fun facts More water makes the pitch lower If the bottles are not the same they have different pitches if you put the same amount of water in a glass the pitch will be the same If you have the same cups with 1 gram less water in 1 then the other it will have a higher pitch sound If you test tubs the amount of water could be more exact

5 materials

6 Step by step instructions Buy 5 bottles Buy food coloring Fill each bottle with water Get spoon or wooden stick Use spoon or wooden stick to tap the glass After you tap each glass make a graph to tell how high the pitch is

7 Variables How much water is in each glass


9 data When there is more air allowed in something and you hit it has a higher pitch sound. When you have less air in something it has a lower pitch sound. Also that has to do with how much water or other liquid you put in it.

10 Analysis of data

11 Conclusion Yes my hypothesis was right. I would change the amounts of water I would do this to see if I got higher pitch sounds. I also would change the glasses I used. To see if that would make a difference. The new questions I have are if I used a different shape glass to see if the pitches were different pitch. What if I put the glasses with more water in front when I hit them all at once will it sound different.

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