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Digestion in… …the small & large intestines 9.5. Small Intestine about 2.5 cm in diameter up to 7 m in length duodenum: first 25- 30 cm: digestion jejunum:

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Presentation on theme: "Digestion in… …the small & large intestines 9.5. Small Intestine about 2.5 cm in diameter up to 7 m in length duodenum: first 25- 30 cm: digestion jejunum:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digestion in… …the small & large intestines 9.5

2 Small Intestine about 2.5 cm in diameter up to 7 m in length duodenum: first 25- 30 cm: digestion jejunum: digestion/ absorption ileum: absorption

3 Accessory Organs

4 pH of Small Intestine chyme has pH of about 2.5 converts prosecretin into secretin, which causes pancreas to release bicarbonate ions (increasing pH to 9.0) pepsin is inactivated, protecting the small intestine

5 Pancreatic Secretions chyme enters duodenum cholecystokinin (CCK) is released into blood by cells in duodenum CCK causes pancreatic cells to release various substances

6 Carbohydrate Digestion pancreatic amylase is released into duodenum continues breakdown of starch started in the saliva

7 Protein Digestion trypsinogen released by pancreas activated to trypsin by enzyme enterokinase trypsin continues to break down proteins into amino acids

8 Lipid Digestion bile is produced in liver & stored in gall bladder and released into the duodenum bile breaks down large fat globules lipases secreted by pancreas break down fats into smaller molecules

9 Small Intestine - Absorption

10 Absorption passive transport (including osmosis) facilitated diffusion active transport nutrients are absorbed in capillary networks

11 Large Intestine up to 7.6 cm in diameter about 1.5 m in length

12 Large Intestine most of the water is absorbed 500+ species of bacteria produce essential vitamins K and some B. feces are egested through the anus

13 Resources… McGraw-Hill Ryerson animation & quiz (good overview, but not a lot of detail about the enzymes & secretions)animation & quiz Another McGraw-Hill digestion quizquiz

14 Let’s review…


16 Review… These quizzes are good for reviewing anatomy, but not the enzymes/secretions: ml ml nce/digestive_system/quiz751.html nce/digestive_system/quiz751.html

17 And finally…science meets art

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