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York Condensed Matter Physics Institute Advanced Materials Biophysics Quantum Theory and Applications Our research involves the study of the fundamental.

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Presentation on theme: "York Condensed Matter Physics Institute Advanced Materials Biophysics Quantum Theory and Applications Our research involves the study of the fundamental."— Presentation transcript:

1 York Condensed Matter Physics Institute Advanced Materials Biophysics Quantum Theory and Applications Our research involves the study of the fundamental nature of matter down to the atomic scale underpinning the development of future technologies. Prof TF Krauss, CMPI Coordinator

2 Advanced Materials Our unique strength is that we combine advanced characterisation methods with theoretical techniques to understand the structure and properties of materials down to the atomic scale Aberration corrected electron microscopy Materials synthesis and nanostructuring Advanced materials characterisation Development of methods: e.g. environmental TEM Materials simulation

3 Magnetite: York scientists resolve spin puzzle Magnetite (Fe 3 O 4 ) is the oldest known magnetic material. However, performance in devices is less than expected – why? K. McKenna, V. Lazarov et al., Nature Comms. 5, 5740 (2014) Combining TEM and materials simulation resolved the atomic structure of defects in magnetite showed that defects are responsible for the reduction in performance.

4 Energy Materials E. D. Boyes, P. Gai et al., Ann. Phys. (Berlin) 525, 423 (2013) Using environmental TEM CMpi researchers have been able to observe and analyse single atoms in nanoparticles in dynamic in-situ experiments for the first time providing atomic insight into catalytic processes. This quasirandom supercell, developed at York, exhibits the highest demonstrated absorption enhancement for a thin film silicon solar cell. TF Krauss et al., Nature Communications 2013 Photonically nanostructured silicon for high efficiency solar cells

5 Biophysics Nanoscale biosensors Single-molecule imaging University wide collaboration and support

6 Quantum Theory and Applications York Centr – Interdisciplinary Centre including Physics, Mathematics and Computer Science – Research areas: quantum communications, quantum metrology, quantum information and quantum computing Quantum transport simulation Prof Tim Spiller leads one of only four quantum hubs in the UK Theory of spin dynamics

7 World leading research with impact Our research is regularly featured in the most prestigious journals in physics Working with industry (e.g. Samsung, Hitachi, Seagate) we are helping to develop next generation magnetic storage technologies We develop computational methods with thousands of users internationally (CASTEP, VAMPIRE)

8 Supervisors Prof Ed Boyes - AM Dr Stuart Cavill - AM Prof Pratibha Gai – AM Dr Vlado Lazarov – AM Prof Kevin O’Grady - AM Dr Steve Tear - AM Prof Sarah Thompson - AM Dr Gonzalo Vallejo-Fernandez - AM Dr Jing Wu - AM Prof Jun Yuan - AM Dr Robert Greenall – AM/BP Dr Yvette Hancock – AM/BP/QT Prof Thomas Krauss – AM/BP Dr Roland Kröger – AM/BP Dr Andrew Pratt – AM/BP Prof Roy Chantrell – AM/QT Dr Irene D’Amico – AM/QT Dr Richard Evans – AM/QT Dr Aires Ferreira- AM/QT Prof Rex Godby – AM/QT Dr Matt Probert – AM/QT Dr Keith McKenna – AM/QT Dr Ignacio Wilson-Rae – AM/QT Prof Mohamed Babiker – QT Prof Tim Spiller – QT Prof Mark Leake - BP Dr Laurence Wilson - BP

9 Atomistic spin dynamics of ultrahigh performance DyFeB permanent magnets Dr Richard F L Evans Energy efficient power generation and transport for the 21st Century Adatom-decorated graphene for spintronic applications Andrew Pratt (experimental) and Aires Ferreira (theoretical) This project will investigate how the electronic, chemical, and magnetic properties of graphene can be tailored through the addition of extra atoms (adatoms) such as fluorine at specific locations. Providing fundamental building blocks for Quantum Thermodynamics’ Irene D'Amico (York) in collaboration with Roberto Serra (UFABC, Brazil) Thermodynamics laws say that entropy always tends to increase, but this seems to contradict reversibility of the Schrödinger equation at the quantum level. How can these contradictory aspects be re-conciliated?’’ Heat-assisted magnetic recording Dr Gonzalo Vallejo Fernandez & Prof K O’Grady The project involves the growth of complex thin film structures by sputtering and their characterisation by XRD, TEM and magnetic studies and is sponsored by Seagate. A physical assay to inform treatment of urinary tract infection Prof TF Krauss (Photonics) and Dr S Johnson (BioLab, Electronics) Develop a photonic/electronic chip to directly detect antimicrobial resistance and inform treatment Currently available funded studentships

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