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By: The Math Department.  1. Find the zeros of the quadratic function: 3x 2 + 12x – 4 = 0 Bell Work 2/12/16.

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Presentation on theme: "By: The Math Department.  1. Find the zeros of the quadratic function: 3x 2 + 12x – 4 = 0 Bell Work 2/12/16."— Presentation transcript:

1 By: The Math Department

2  1. Find the zeros of the quadratic function: 3x 2 + 12x – 4 = 0 Bell Work 2/12/16

3  “Working world seldom requires Algebra” -Arnold Packer  Packer found that only 4 % of population—pure mathematicians, astronomers, physicists, and tiny subset of engineers—uses advanced algebraic concepts in their work.  80% of highest-paying, most prestigious careers will never use anything beyond addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. “ p. 199.  Less than 5% of workforce will make extensive use of Algebra II or other advanced courses. P 199  Math more of a rite of passage than a career preparation.  He asks if we need higher level Mathematics courses in schools or do we need to shift to practical applied Mathematics? Who Needs Math?

4   Too many standards to teach - Algebra 1: 48 Standards - Geometry: 53 Standards - Algebra 2: 44 Standards Issues

5   Math has the lowest pass rates in proficiency tests for all ethnic groups  Too much of a focus on abstract problems -“As the level of abstraction increases….links to meaning fade.” pg. 197  Working world seldom requires algebra.  “In the real-world, students actually need less abstract, advanced math: they need more elementary and middle school math” pg. 199  - The real-world requires sophisticated thinking with elementary skills (arithmetic, percentages, ratios, discounts or markup prices) Abstraction is the Enemy

6   Cross curricular: Infuse math curriculum with literacy and writing  Teach students how to interpret numbers in a text in both math textbooks and real-world documents  Model and teach students how to read documents  Technical reading  Use effective teaching strategies K-12  Make sure every lesson is an effective lesson. P. 215 What to do now?

7   “The meaning in math text often pivots on the use of a single word” pg. 209  Create and integrate opportunities for students to understand and apply essential math concepts  Need to understand quantitative data in current articles  Need to have slow, carful, reiterative reading in all content areas, including math.  Need reading, and writing in math, as well as, well developed open-response critical math thinking questions. Reading in Math

8  Example

9   “Writing in math class requires students to organize, clarify, and reflect on their ideas” pg. 212  Students need “to be able to write to explain the meaning of data, tables, graphs, and formulas.” pg. 212  Simple writing strategy: 1. I think that the answer is….. 2. I think that because….. 3. I figured this out by…..  We need to logically look at what we teach and why we teach it? Writing in Math

10  “It is not yet clear whether the best option for all is the historic algebra-based mainstream that is animated primarily by the power of ‘abstraction… “Teachers need to focus on the interplay of numbers and words, especially on expressing quantitative relationships in meaningful sentences … “ “To make mathematics meaningful, the three R’s must be well blended in each student's mind.’” Lynn Steen (2007, p. 12) in Schmoker p. 197

11   -Math content needs to be coherent, taught with good instructional strategy, and infused with literacy. P. 194  -Need to reduce number of standards, emphasize mathematical thinking, teach fewer topics, teach topics that have visible connections to meaning and applications, p. 196  -Schools should abandon a “a failed curriculum that insists on advanced coursework but ‘relegates applications to an afterthought” (1997, pp. 138-139) p. 198  Make sure every lesson is an effective lesson. P. 215  Need reading, and writing in math, as well as, well developed open-response critical math thinking questions. KEY TAKE-A-WAYS FROM THE CHAPTER

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