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Format of an Email. From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: Greeting Body SendCancel Save as draft Closing.

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Presentation on theme: "Format of an Email. From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: Greeting Body SendCancel Save as draft Closing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Format of an Email

2 From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: Greeting Body SendCancel Save as draft Closing

3 From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: Dippy’s pictures.jpeg Hi from Japan! 20 Dec 20XX 18:47 SendCancel Save as draft Greeting Body Closing Hiroko Azuma Hiroko Azuma Chan Siu Kwan Chan Siu Kwan Miss Yeung missyeung@hotmail Miss Yeung missyeung@hotmail

4 From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: Hi, Siu Kwan, Dippy’s pictures.jpeg Hi from Japan! 20 Dec 20XX 18:47 SendCancel Save as draft Body Closing Hiroko Azuma Hiroko Azuma Chan Siu Kwan Chan Siu Kwan Miss Yeung missyeung@hotmail Miss Yeung missyeung@hotmail

5 From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: Hi, Siu Kwan, It is good to hear from you! How’s school?... … Please write soon. I am interested in learning more about Chinese culture! Dippy’s pictures.jpeg Hi from Japan! 20 Dec 20XX 18:47 SendCancel Save as draft Closing Hiroko Azuma Hiroko Azuma Chan Siu Kwan Chan Siu Kwan Miss Yeung missyeung@hotmail Miss Yeung missyeung@hotmail

6 From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: From: To: Cc: Attachment: Subject: Date: Hi, Siu Kwan, It is good to hear from you! How’s school?... … Please write soon. I am interested in learning more about Chinese culture! Hiroko Azuma Hiroko Azuma Chan Siu Kwan Chan Siu Kwan Miss Yeung missyeung@hotmail Miss Yeung missyeung@hotmail Dippy’s pictures.jpeg Hi from Japan! 20 Dec 20XX 18:47 SendCancel Save as draft Cheers, Hiroko


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