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PLUTO: a modular code for computational astrophysics Developers: A. Mignone 1,2, G. Bodo 2 1 The University of Chicago, ASC FLASH Center 2 INAF Osseratorio.

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Presentation on theme: "PLUTO: a modular code for computational astrophysics Developers: A. Mignone 1,2, G. Bodo 2 1 The University of Chicago, ASC FLASH Center 2 INAF Osseratorio."— Presentation transcript:

1 PLUTO: a modular code for computational astrophysics Developers: A. Mignone 1,2, G. Bodo 2 1 The University of Chicago, ASC FLASH Center 2 INAF Osseratorio Astronomico di Torino 3 Universita’ degli studi di Torino 4 Universita’ degli studi di Firenze C. Zanni 3, T. Laverne 2, F. Rubini 4, S. Massaglia 3, A. Rogava 3, A. Ferrari 3

2 OUTLINE Written in C ( ~ 33,000 lines) Explicit, compressible code (FV): –Shock capturing –High-mach number flows Works in 1, 2, 3-D Modular structure: –Physics –Time stepping –Interpolations –Riemann Solvers No AMR Geometry support (Cart, Cyl, Spher) Serial/Parallel Implementation (MPI)

3 Requirements (ANSI) C compiler Python (v. > 1.6) GNU Make Optional MPI (arraylib by A. Malagoli ) GD graphics library

4 PLUTO Fundamentals: PHYSICS Modules TIME_STEPPING Geometry\ Grid Generation

5 Source Tree Interpolation RMHD RHD HDMHD Update Sources Time_Stepping UnsplitSplit UnUn U n+1 physics modules

6 Eos: Hydrodynamics (HD) Module

7 Relativistic Hydrodynamics (RHD) Module Multi dimensional PPM, full corner coupled transport (Colella 1990) Nonlinear Riemann solver w/ general Eos (Mignone et al. submitted to ApJ),  FLASH Code  /(  -1)  EoS  = 4/3  = 5/3

8 Magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) Module Monopole Control –Powell (Powell 94) –Monopole Diffusion (Marder 87) –Flux CT (Balsara 2004) Splitting of Magnetic Field, B = B 0 (x) + B 1 (x,t) suitable for low- plasma.

9 Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamics (RMHD) Module Shares Features w/ MHD and RHD

10 Algorithms Time Stepping  Fwd Euler (Split/Unsplit)  RK 2 nd (Split/Unsplit)  RK 3 rd (Split/Unsplit)  Hancock (Split/CTU)  Characteristic Tracing (Split/CTU) Interpolation  Prim. TVD-limited (II order)  Characteristic TVD-limited  Piecewise-Parabolic  Multi-D Linear Interpolation  2 nd and 3 rd order WENO Riemann Solvers  Riemann (non-linear)  TVD/ROE  HLL  TVDLF (split)  HD RHD MHD RMHD        

11 Additional Features Particles (T. Laverne): Optically thin radiative losses  power-law  2 T   (Analytic integrator)  “Interstellar” cooling function:  T > 10 4 K, Dalgarno & McCray Cooling (1972)  T < 10 4 K, NEQ (H + H2) (Oliva, 1992)  NEQ cooling function for shocks < 80 Km/s (Raymond 1987) Implicit Thermal Conduction (1-D only) Explicit /Implicit 2 nd order integrators

12 Problem Setup Python Interface: 1.definitions.h 2.makefile User: 3. init.c Set initial conditions userdef b. c. Bckgr. B Gravity 4. pluto.ini CFL Domain output freq. etc..

13 Test Gallery 2-D Riemann Problem (HD) Shock-Cloud Interaction(MHD) 2-D Riemann Problem (RHD) RMHD Blast Wave

14 Applications Axisymmetric MHD Jet Mach = 50  = 1  in / out = 1/20 3D RHD Jet (Rossi et at. 2003) Mach=3  = 10  in / out = 1.e-4 Keplerian Disk (Murante et al. 2004) Vortex-wave generation 2D RHD KH V = 0.95c M = 1.17

15 More Applications Thermally unstable radiative shocks (Mignone, submitted to ApJ) Accretion Column onto white dwarf

16 Summary Simple, fast code for single/multi proc. User-friendly versatile suitable for algorithm comparison (fairly) well documented >> Official release: Feb 2005 <<,

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