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2 PERSONALITY P – Presentable E - Etiquettes R – Responsible S – Social
O – Optimist N – Nifty A – Anger L – Loyal I – Intellectual T – Time-Manager Y – Yin & Yang

3 DEFINITION It is derived from a Latin word ‘Persona’ which means mask.
Personality is a dynamic organization of psychophysical systems that create a person’s characteristic patterns of behavior, thoughts, and feelings.” 􀂆 "Those characteristics that account for consistent patterns of behaviors."

4 PERSONALITY To social scientists, personality is the sum total of behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, and values that are characteristic of an individual. Our personality traits determine how we adjust to our environment and how we react in specific situations. No two individuals have the same personalities. Each individual has his or her own way of interacting with other people and with his or her social environment.

5 4 basic personality types
1.) Melancholic ( Emotional ) : A person who is a thoughtful thinker. Such people are often very kind and considerate . A melancholic person is highly creative and are the perfectionist being very particular about what they want and how they want so they get dissatisfied with their performance if the results are unsatisfactory.

6 Contd… 2.) Sanguine ( Physical ) :
A person who is sanguine is generally light-hearted, fun loving, a people person, loves to entertain, spontaneous, leader abilities, and confident . However they can be arrogant and indulgent. He/She can be day-dreamy and off-task to the point of not accomplishing anything and can be impulsive.

7 Contd…. 3.) Choleric : A person who is choleric is a doer. They have a lot of ambition, energy, and passion, and try to instill it in others. They can dominate people of other temperaments, especially phlegmatic types. Many great charismatic military and political figures were cholerics. On the negative side, they are easily angered or bad-tempered.

8 Contd… 4.) Phlegmatic : While phlegmatic are generally self-content and kind. They are very consistent, relaxed, rational, curious, and observant, making them good administrators and diplomats. Like the sanguine personality, the phlegmatic has many friends. However the phlegmatic is more reliable and compassionate; these characteristics typically make the phlegmatic a more dependable friend.

People’s personalities continue to develop throughout their lifetimes. Specific traits change at different rates and to different degrees. Some personality traits seem to remain constant throughout a person’s life, while others undergo dramatic changes. Personality development is more obvious during childhood, when people are experiencing rapid physical, emotional, and intellectual growth. At adulthood, personality traits change at a slower rate. However personality development varies form individual to individual.

10 Blending of Factors…. Most social scientists assume that personality and social behavior result from a blending of heredity and social environmental influences. They believe that environmental factors have the greatest influence. Heredity, birth order, parents, and cultural environment are among the principal factors that social scientists see influencing personality and behavior.

11 How to highlight ones personality?
1. Exude confidence. By projecting a confident and self-assured attitude, you tells others that they deserve respectful treatment. 2. Walk with a sense of purpose and head held high.     When one has a destination or goal always in mind, they show the world that they are motivated and have clear     direction. 3. Maintain a positive attitude even through adversity.     Choosing to have a positive attitude despite what troubles occur can be magnetic to others who may have more difficulty seeing the brighter side of things.

12 Contd…. 4. Smile easily.     It is easier to approach someone and feel comfortable with them if they appear to be happy; negative attitudes turn   people away. 5. Live up to your word.     Sincerity leads to mutual trust, and when one is trusted, he often is recipient of many positive relationships. 6. Maintain consistency in your attitude and behavior.     Consistency is a sign of character and character leads to respect and attention.

13 What makes good personality?
Self Confidence Positive Thinking Learning from failures Self reliance

14 Personality Includes - Good looks - Dressing Sense - Hair Style - Attitude - Communication Skills - Eye Contact - Body Language ( especially when sitting and getting up)

15 General Grooming Tips Deodorant Light on cologne/perfume
Brush your teeth, use mouthwash Neat haircut Polished shoes Impeccably clean

16 How to build self confidence?
Foster Competence= Proving to yourself that you're competent can greatly boost one's self esteem and confidence. You can do this by performing one task everyday that makes you feel as if you've accomplished something. You needn't be good at it, nor must it be something big. Completing a simple crossword puzzle can be all it takes. Accomplishment is one of the most important tools for fostering competence.

17 Contd. Positive Self Talk =Utilizing positive self talk is a popular technique these days and it can be very effective. Repeating over and over to yourself phrases such as, "I am confident," or "I am a worthwhile person," can have a positive impact on your self-image and, in turn, increase your self-confidence.

18 Cond… Write Down Positive Attributes Try and think of all the things you like about yourself. Now, make a list. When you're feeling down on yourself, take that list out and read it. This might seem difficult, but once you get going with your list you'll find it's really quite easy. Here's a quick sample of some things you can write about yourself - * I've got a good sense of humor. * I have great taste in movies. * My hair looks great. * I studied abroad in college and not everyone is able to do that. * People like me.

19 Contd… Make Positive Changes Is there something you don't like about yourself that you can change? There are some things that get us down that are fixable so that we can make ourselves better people. For example, if you feel you weigh too much, try eating healthier and exercising so you can feel better about your body. If you feel that you're too shy, read up on assertiveness and practice various techniques for becoming more assertive. If you have the determination to do it, you can change yourself for the better. You'll feel more competent and confident that way.

20 PEER GROUP…. Peers are those who are similar and of the same age group, same rank, same mental status. When such a peers form a group it is called as peer group.

21 What is peer pressure? Pressure from one's peers to behave in a manner similar or acceptable to them. Peer pressure is the influence of a social group on an individual

22 Why are teenagers so easily influenced by peers?
Want to fit into the group Do not feel themselves being isolated or insignificant Do not want to be the outcast in the group Try to find their own identities Not mature enough to identify between right and wrong

23 What is good peer pressure?
Good peer pressure is being pushed into something that you didn't have the courage to do or just didn't cross your mind to do. Good peer pressure can also be a situation when your friends convince you not to do something you were going to do because it wasn't in your best interest. Good peer pressure is when you get pushed into something that you didn't want to do and it turned out well.

24 Effect on Personality…
You may learn something new and have a new experience. You can overcome a fear. You will avoid breaking the law, getting into trouble with your parents and hurting your health. Friendships, socializing, encouragement and good advice.

25 What is bad peer pressure?
Bad peer pressure is being talked into doing something that you didn't want to do because your friends said that you should. Bad peer pressure is usually the result of wanting to be accepted by your peers.

26 How can bad peer pressure affect you?
Bad peer pressure usually leads to doing something bad such as drinking alcohol, using drugs, or smoking. It can lead to trouble with the law, with your parents and it can affect your health.

27 How to overcome bad peer pressure?
learn to differentiate between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors Remember! Most teenagers could care less whether you give in or not politely refuse resist the urge to preach do not put yourself at risk by refusing do not make a scene do not care how others think

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