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 Some popular music in the 1920’s was….  Mostly jazz  Jazz involved many different kinds of music like the blues  1920’s was considered the “jazz.

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Presentation on theme: " Some popular music in the 1920’s was….  Mostly jazz  Jazz involved many different kinds of music like the blues  1920’s was considered the “jazz."— Presentation transcript:



3  Some popular music in the 1920’s was….  Mostly jazz  Jazz involved many different kinds of music like the blues  1920’s was considered the “jazz age”  Most jazz bands were immigrated which is how they got to the “jazz age”

4  Duke Ellington  Bessie Smith  Mia Rainey  Jelly Roll

5  Video number one

6  Video number two

7 Lots of songs were blues music Which means that this is music that is sad What is the blues? The blues is when people sing about sad things in their life to feel better. Therefore the music meets the standards because it is a sad time for most people


9 Alfred Stieglitz Author Dove Weber William Zorach


11  Famous painter  Painted lots of nude females and abstract art  Most famous for piece below

12 Famous for Carved sculptures He self taught him self to carve Made abstract sculpture


14 Works Cited Baughman, Judith S. American Decades. U.S.: Gale Research Inc., 1996. Print. Jesse Boland, 6 May 2007. Web. 6 Mar. 2013. Sirs researcher. SIRS Knowledge Source, 5 Nov. 2003. Web. 4 Mar. 2013.

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