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Presented by: Rachel Caldwell Herschel James Endia Moore.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Rachel Caldwell Herschel James Endia Moore."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Rachel Caldwell Herschel James Endia Moore

2  Information flows down the management ladder but it’s difficult to flow back up  Tap the power of the Groundswell of ideas among the people that know best how your company runs: your employees

3  The community at Best Buy  Wikis at Avenue A/Razorfish, Organic, and Intel  An idea exchange at Bell Canada

4  Steve Bendt and Gary Koelling started Blue Shirt Nation  August 2006  Spare server under Gary’s desk  Open to a few colleagues for testing and feedback  Senior VP of marketing, Barry Judge  They weren’t thinking big enough

5  They went on the road  “Chalk talks” in the stores and giving away Blue Shirt Nation t-shirts to employees  February 2006  Employees greeted it with enthusiasm  October 2007

6  It was created to listen to what employees had to say  E-mail addresses  Someone posted that it would cost Best Buy close to $1 million to implement  IT found the price closer to $58,000 for all full time associates  Blue shirts got e-mail

7  Best Buy pushed a change in employee discounts  Blue shirts nation was displeased and complained heavily  Best Buy decided not the change the employee discount

8  Listening- turns into problem solving  Talking- policy changes  Energizing- spread positive thinking  Supporting- spread support  Embracing

9  Companies use Wiki in their everyday operations.  Using a Wiki to communicate and collaborate on ideas and even express personal ideas through blogs.  Companies are more tech savvy than ever. 

10  One of the largest interactive Agencies in the world.   Uses collaborating spaces and blogs to communicate throughout the company.  Since the company is organized around projects, the whole place increasingly runs on the Wiki.  International connections are easier and less stressful.

11  Wiki communications helped the company get more involved in leadership.  Ceo stated “ The biggest benefit is being able to listen in on what people are working on, what they are concerned about, and where they are focused.”  The company created a colaboration tool and also a communication channel.

12  Because they are so effective at enhancing collaboration, wikis are catching on with lots of companies.  Intel created Intelpedia.  The key to Intelpedia’s succes is that the articles are more than a static encyclopedia- instead it was a intergal part of daily life of Intel.

13  Organic, an international interactive company wasn’t effective with employees.  3 step process to energize employees on their Social network “Organism”.  1.Provide employees with their own personal profile.  2. Support employees with how to run and use the network with ther offices.  3. Encourage people to upload projectsand share ideas and work.

14  With Corporations you have to think about the relationships you want to make before the technologies that you can use.  Social networks don’t solve problems by themselves but the collaboration of leadership and subordnents can solve anything.

15  Rex Lee, Director of collaboration services  Employee frustration  40,000 Employees  A Solution

16  Inspiration from American Idol  Takes Bet of Ideas  Enters Them into a Voting  ID-ah! Created

17  Example Of ID-ah!  SalesForce Idea Exchange  YouTube - Blogs YouTube - Blogs

18  A year and a half Later…  More than a thousand ideas and over 3000 comments  15,000(out of 40,000) employees visited the sited  6,000 have voted

19  ID-ah just the Beginning of Cultural Change  Eugene Roman, Group Pres, Sys and Tech  Mary Anne Elliot, SVP, Human Resources  Used ID-ah to not only generate ideas, but Change Employee attitudes

20 Employees now difference makers Because of commitment from Senior Management Created new ways for people to connect and work Together

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