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Parent and Family Support of Young Adults for Success in Employment Texas Transition Conference 02/19/16.

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Presentation on theme: "Parent and Family Support of Young Adults for Success in Employment Texas Transition Conference 02/19/16."— Presentation transcript:

1 Parent and Family Support of Young Adults for Success in Employment Texas Transition Conference 02/19/16

2 Why do “systems” struggle to engage families? Families don’t know system Some families don’t know how to help Some families aren’t helping Professionals not trained to do so Has not been engrained as an ethic Other reasons? Page 2

3 What do Some Parents Experience? Systems that are overly complicated Lack of understanding about individual needs to their youth Lack of information about resources Lack of communication during process Not valued as part of the process Page 3

4 Page 4 Why Is Work Important? Feeling of worth in contributing to society “Meaningful days” Learn social skills and responsibility Combats isolation and depression It’s what adults do Others?

5 Defining Employment “Employment is not a service.” Employment First Employment First is the vision of making employment the first, and preferred outcome for persons with disabilities.

6 Page 6 What Can Parents Do? 1.Hold High Expectations 2.Understand aspects of “career development” 3.Help youth explore and practice 4.Know the impact of postsecondary education 5.Know who helps 6.Be an effective advocate

7 4 Keys Persistence- Things won’t always go smoothly. Practice – Youth need work experiences. Patience – Remember, people grow up at different rates. Accountability – Your youth needs to be accountable for behavior and for trying their best.

8 New Vision of Career Development “Career Development” includes 3 phases: 1.Explore 2.Prepare 3.Act Page 8

9 Common Self-Exploration Activities Career Interest Inventories Personal Interest Inventories Understanding your learning style Finding your strengths Family activities such as travel or community events Page 9

10 Page 10 Self-Awareness Many youth don’t know what their disability is, or haven’t practiced telling others about it. It is crucial that youth know how their disability affects them in school and employment (to the greatest extent possible).

11 Common Career Exploration Activities Informational interviews Workplace visits and tours Job shadowing Career fairs Career camps Hands-on career projects Page 11

12 Employer’s Look for: A good attitude Honesty Punctuality Good communication skills Reliability Appropriate behavior Willingness to learn

13 Page 13 Work Skills Your youth can become better prepared for work by building strengths in these core work skills: Solving problems and making decisions Using technology Reading and doing math at a basic level Understanding the employer’s goals 13

14 Page 14 “Soft Skills” Employers also seek employees who have strong interpersonal communication and responsibility skills. Does your youth: Maintain personal appearance? Communicate so others can understand? Show personal responsibility, including showing up for work on time? Take work direction? Have enthusiasm and a good attitude? 14

15 Let’s Practice Building responsibility Maintain appearance Working well with others Keeping a positive attitude Taking work direction Showing initiative Page 15

16 Let’s Practice It is crucial that you communicate your value to an employer. I am ______, and that allows me to _________. Example: I am precise, and that allows me to finish tasks accurately. Page 16

17 Tip for Success “Teach real things.” John Elder Robison

18 The Increasing Importance of Postsecondary Education Any education after high school Access to new jobs is dependent on it Set it as an expectation early Set it as a goal early (IEP) Do your research Page 18

19 Who Helps? School County Disability Programs Vocational Rehabilitation Services Community Rehabilitation Providers Disability Specific Organizations American Job Centers Families Page 19

20 Tips for Partnering with Families Build relationships with youth and families Show you understand the disability Clearly communicate program goals and steps Assign specific tasks Regular communication on progress Page 20

21 Page 21 Contact Information Sean Roy Norine Jaloway Gill

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