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Presentation on theme: "Under construction SPANISH PRESIDENCY OF THE EU 2010 FRAMEWORK CONDITIONS ROADMAP 4-May-2010."— Presentation transcript:


2 Aims Establishing FC guidelines based on the contribution of GPC delegations. The guidelines should consist of non-binding recommendations, which identify possible alternatives supporting common policy actions based on best practices. The GPC work should concentrate on peer review procedures, foresight activities, evaluation of JP and funding of cross-border research. Guidelines for optimum dissemination and use of research funding, including common practices for the protection, management and sharing of intellectual property right, would still be trusted to the CREST Working Group on Knowledge Transfer.

3 TOOLS  A general template. The template is purely of an indicative nature, and it may be further elaborated if necessary. => A FC team composed of a small number of GPC Members, working on a voluntary basis and coordinated by the Presidency. Its main responsibility would be to finalize the template and compile the FC guidelines, ensuring the necessary coordination and flow of information among all the stakeholders (GPC Members and Observers, Commission, European Organisations).

4 Working Method 1.Use of all the resources and supports provided by GPC Members and Observers, the Commission and other European organisations. 2. The GPC should agree on the template, the way to proceed and the timetable. 3. The document should remain open and, when necessary, it should be revised at convenient times on the basis of the experience gained in the development of JPIs. 4. The role and active involvement of the Commission should be recognised as crucial in the process of establishing the guidelines, drawing on its experience in dealing with FC related issues.

5 Timetable Step 1 (January 2010) The GPC will identify the participant in the FC team. The FC team will propose a template structure for the guidelines. As starting point, the Commission will accommodate an improved and extended version of the previous GPC document on FC into the template structure. Step 2 (February 2010) The GPC members will examine the draft template and provide their feedback Step 3 (March 2010) The FC team will finalise the template on the basis of the suggestions received. Step 4 (April 2010) The FC team will start drafting the guidelines. Step 5 (May 2010) A joint GPC-EUROHORCS workshop will be held to discuss the entire set of Framework Conditions. GPC members could participate accompanied by experts. Step 6 (June 2010) The completed FC guidelines will be approved by the GPC in a plenary session.

6 Framework Conditions Template Foreword (draft) Introduction (draft) Each FC Objective (aims and identification of the issue) (draft) State of Play (background of current best practices) (draft) Open Issues (legal, institutional or financial barriers to be addressed) (draft) Recommended Guidelines (pending) FORMAT (toolboxes?)


8 Main issues  May 27 four parallel sessions vs May 28 one common session  Focused on the guidelines of topics 1, 2, 3 and 4  Establishing the format and the list of guidelines  No more than 20 persons per session from GPC, ESF/ EuroHORCs, others  2 chairs (GPC and ESF/EuroHORCS) and 1 rapporteur per session  The results of the meeting will be presented in June 18 at GPC meeting

9 Close Cooperation with the Commission Close cooperation with the working groups of ESF on Peer–Review and Forward Looking (periodical meetings) Comments from the GPC delegates are needed More help is needed on the FC of Evaluation on Joint Programmes and Funding cross-border research Inputs are needed from CREST Working Group on Knowledge Transfer



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