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Four Point Scales Whole class Beginning Social Communication Middle School: Lesson Five.

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Presentation on theme: "Four Point Scales Whole class Beginning Social Communication Middle School: Lesson Five."— Presentation transcript:

1 Four Point Scales Whole class Beginning Social Communication Middle School: Lesson Five

2 Objective: Student will identify classroom procedures that need additional supports so that all students can effectively manage themselves with in the classroom and school environment

3 Social Emotional Learning Standards Identify goals for academic success and classroom behavior. Describe a range of emotions and the situations that cause them. Apply strategies to manage stress and to motivate successful performance.

4 SCERTS Key Skills Uses strategies to regulate energy level. Responds to assistance, feedback and guidance regarding behavior/ emotional state. Understands and monitors the attentional focus of self and others.

5 Evidence Based Practices (EBPs) Self-management (SM): Instruction focusing on learners discriminating between appropriate and inappropriate behaviors, accurately monitoring and recording their own behaviors, and rewarding themselves for behaving appropriately. Naturalistic intervention (NI): Intervention strategies that occur within the typical setting/activities/routines in which the learner participates. Teachers/service providers establish the learner’s interest in a learning event through arrangement of the setting/activity/routine, provide necessary support for the learner to engage in the targeted behavior, elaborate on the behavior when it occurs, and/or arrange natural consequences for the targeted behavior or skills. Visual support (VS): Any visual display that supports the learner engaging in a desired behavior or skills independent of prompts. Examples of visual supports include pictures, written words, objects within the environment, arrangement of the environment or visual boundaries, schedules, maps, labels, organization systems, and timelines.

6 California Common Core Standards  Speaking and Listening Standard; SL 1, Grades 6-8: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher- led) with diverse partners on grade 6-8 topics, texts, and issues, building on others’ ideas and expressing their own clearly.  Reading Standard for Informational text; RI 7, Grade 6: Integrate information presented in different media or formats (e.g., visually, quantitatively) as well as in words to develop a coherent understanding of a topic or issue

7 Task One: Discussion Questions: What types of procedures do we follow in this classroom or at this school? Which procedures are easy for the class to accomplish without redirection? Which procedures need support? Why is it important for everyone in the class to follow certain established procedures? If students are struggling with certain procedures, who is responsible for redirecting those students to follow along and comply?

8 Task Two: Brainstorm As a class, brainstorm, using a thinking map or graphic organizer to document responses, which procedures are most important for the group as a whole to follow… Discuss all the responses and decide which procedures have the most impact on the classroom’s environment, climate and culture…areas may include: Transitioning times Organization of materials Roles and responsibilities Student interaction

9 Task Two Continued: Once the group has decided on which procedures need support, the students will be put into groups and assigned a procedure to focus on. Groups will use the same format of the zones and size or the problem to complete a 4 point scale that includes Green: Everyone is following the procedure Blue: A few Student are not focused ( no-one my notice) Yellow: Many students are distracted (others are starting to notice behaviors) Red: Most students are unable to focus or refusing to comply (everyone notices)

10 Task Two Continued: 4 Point Scale The scale will have the colors to the side with what the behaviors may look like in that zone. The next column will describe the actions of the students who are in each zone The third column will give insight into what others around that person or persons may be thinking or feeling The fourth column will have strategies of what the student (s) can do to get back into or at least move toward the green zone

11 Example: Zone/ level/ what it may look likeHow I may be actingWhat others may be thinkingWhat you can do to stay in or get back to the level 1 or green zone 4 I may be running around the room I may be making a lot of noise I may be talking loudly to people I may be screaming at others I may be ignoring the teacher The teachers are disappointed and are thinking about the consequences for your behavior My peer may be angry with me for disrupting the class My parents may get a phone call From my teacher You can tell yourself you need to focus because you are missing out on instruction and your behavior is really only harming your grade You can request a short break to get water or use the restroom instead to refocus 3 I may be talking to the person next to me I may be making noises I may be shifting my body around I may be laughing The teacher may start to react to your disruptions and hold the class accountable They may think you are goofing around on purpose They don’t want to get in trouble so they may to ignore you You can tell yourself that you may get in trouble if you keep up the disruption You can try to do some deep breathing to refocus Try to avoid looking at your peers so you do not get tempted to talk 2 I may have my head down I may be drawing or looking at books I may be distracted by other kids behaviors Others may think you are distracted; they may remind you to focus They may prompt you to stop drawing or tell me to put your book away You can do some deep breathing to help you better focus. You can try to only listen to the adult voice so you know what they may want you to do Sit up in your seat and keep your eyes on the teacher 1 I am focused and listening for instructions/ directions I have a calm body which includes having calm feet and quiet hands I am quiet = not talking to peers The teacher is really proud of you and happy you are following the rules and directions You are being a really good model for the other students Tell yourself that you are doing a great job listening Ignore anyone trying to distract you Do some deep breathing to avoid distraction Topic: Listening to the teacher for instruction/direction

12 Blank Template to copy if needed Zone/ level/ what it may look likeHow I may be actingWhat others may be thinkingWhat you can do to stay in or get back to the level 1 or green zone 4 3 2 1 Topic:

13 Task Three: Practice and Rehearse All group members should be familiar with the information being presented Each group member must have a part in sharing the information being presented Each person should know their part and know how to pronounce the words they are responsible for presenting You can use notecards to help remember the information you will be sharing Remember to project your voice and have a calm body during the presentation Practice when and where group members will stand to present their part Practice till you are comfortable with your part, then rehearse with the group until everyone in comfortable with the information and the process of presenting

14 Task Four: Presentations All groups will present their four point scales to the class The audience will be allowed to comment or ask questions after each presentation All comments or questions should address the information presented, not be critiques on any individual person.

15 Evaluation: Council QUESTIONS: Do you find four point scales to be a useful visual support…WHY?WHY NOT? What was the most difficult part of this project for your group to complete? What is one thing your group was really good at doing/completing? What was one thing you liked about another groups’ project? What is one thing you learned from completing this project?

16 Vocabulary Procedures Re-directing Transitioning Organization Classroom Climate and Culture Focus Distraction Comply

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