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Let’s Get Cozy: Evolving Collaborations in the 21 st Century Paula Kaufman March 4, 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "Let’s Get Cozy: Evolving Collaborations in the 21 st Century Paula Kaufman March 4, 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 Let’s Get Cozy: Evolving Collaborations in the 21 st Century Paula Kaufman March 4, 2011

2 2

3 Chaos? A chaotic system never quite retraces its path 3

4 Or Opportunity? 4

5 What is a Collaboration? Two or more people or organizations work together to realize shared goals Recursive process Deep collective determination to reach an identical objective 5

6 “That which we call a rose….” Consortium Cooperative Partnership Alliance Coadunation Marriage 6

7 Why Should We Care? Economics Service demands More accomplished together Greater benefits to users Greater benefits to staff 7

8 Most Important of All 8 OUR USERS

9 Development Frameworks Mutual Service Consortia  Joint Ventures  Collaborations (Kanter) Cooperation  Coordination  Collaboration  Coadunation (Gadja) 9

10 Kanter’s Framework Courtship: attraction, shared vision Engagement: create plan and formalize commitment Living together: surfacing disagreements Learning to get along: making accommodations Old marrieds: internal changes 10

11 Kanter’s Framework + 11

12 Pre-Selection Criteria Self-Analysis – Know Thyself Chemistry Compatibility 12

13 Staying Cozy: Keys to Success Articulate need and perceived benefits Develop collective vision Address operation, governance, legal issues Set policies about adding new members Develop clear communication channels Build and sustain trust and mutual respect Establish roles and responsibilities 13

14 More Keys to Success Determine investments of time, energy, money Institutionalize formal status of new organization Identify measures of success Determine what happens when member leaves Articulate triggers for dissolution 14

15 Measuring Value 15 Stating expectations upfront Clarity about what must be measured and why Typical measurement: cost avoidance

16 Examples of Emerging Collaborations 16

17 2CUL: “A Radical Collaboration” Columbia and Cornell Transformative and enduring partnership Pool resources to provide content, expertise, services 17

18 UIRLCP UIC and UIUC: same system, differing missions Getting cozier: deepening existing relationship Targeted initiatives: – Psychology and Education – Electronic Theses and Dissertations (Grad Colleges) – Health information and informatics 18

19 UIRLCP Identified Risks Overwhelming human resources Sublimating local priorities to collaboration priorities Lengthier decision-making processes Clinging to local practices 19

20 WEST: Western Regional Storage Trust Organize a distributed print repository among research libraries in U.S. west Preserve scholarly print record at lowest possible cost Build coordinated system of persistent archives and network level disclosure Create opportunity for space reclamation 20

21 HathiTrust Collect, organize, preserve, communicate, share the record of human knowledge Stimulate efforts to coordinate share storage strategies Sustain public good while mitigating free-rider problem Views collections as one 21

22 Lyrasis SOLINET + PALINET + NELINET Offers creative solutions and increased savings opportunities Reconceptualizes traditional model of competing institutions into system that brings together many functions and services critical to success of fulfilling partners’ missions Coadunation 22

23 Not Only for Libraries: CIC 50+ years old Share expertise, leverage campus resources, collaborate on innovative programs Programs span entire university Governed by provosts 23

24 CIC: Center for Library Initiatives University Librarians, supported by staff Major projects: – Google Book Search – HathiTrust – Consortial licensing – Scholarly communication – Reciprocal library borrowing – Delivery system 24

25 CLI – Model for Future Long history but constantly evolving Not all have to participate in every program or offering Activities integrated into work of each participating library Deep trust among participating institutions that transcends individuals 25

26 Non-Library Collaborators Faculty and other campus units Places at each others’ tables  build new tables together 26

27 Imperatives to Collaborate New financial realities, new technologies Move to “next stage” in viewing totality of resources rather than separate resources – Hathi’s model of one collection, not many separate collections Pressing need to share non-collection resources, such as subject expertise 27

28 Clarion Call Higher ed under increasing pressure – Funding models may not be sustainable – Competition counterproductive Scholarly communication system in crisis New relationships required if we are to serve our users well 28

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