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This is Progress Assessment #1 100 400 200 400 500 200 300 100 300 400 100 200 400 200 500 300 100 300 500 200 300 Effects Board 1 Throwback to Psych.

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2 This is Progress Assessment #1

3 100 400 200 400 500 200 300 100 300 400 100 200 400 200 500 300 100 300 500 200 300 Effects Board 1 Throwback to Psych 101 Biological Basis of Behavior Do you hear what I hear?- Sensation and Perception Miscellaneous Is this real life? A dream? A trip?

4 100 200 300 400 500 Throwback to Psych 101 Biological Basis of Behavior Do you hear what I hear? Miscellaneous Real Question Board 2 Is this a dream?

5 Psychology is the study of _________ and ____________.

6 Behavior; Mental Processes

7 The enduring issue of the influence of genetics vs. environment.

8 Nature vs. Nurture

9 This type of research method can prove causation.

10 Experimental

11 This “shocking” experiment was considered unethical due to psychological harm.

12 Milgram

13 In a study that tests the effects of sleep deprivation on a professional bowler’s performance, what is the dependent variable?

14 The Bowler’s Score

15 This part of a neuron receives incoming messages.

16 Dendrite

17 The Central Nervous System communicates via neurotransmitters, while the endocrine system communicates via __________.

18 Hormones

19 Sensory neurons are also called this.

20 Afferent Neurons

21 When someone is unable to convert memories (anterograde amnesia), they may have suffered damage to this brain structure.

22 Hippocampus

23 This fatty white substance covers some axons in order to expedite neural communicaton.

24 Myelin Sheath

25 The amount of energy required for a person to detect a stimulus 50% of the time is called the:

26 Absolute Threshold

27 This type of receptor is sensitive to light and dark information only, not color.

28 Rod

29 Flip books play on this type of apparent movement, when movement is perceived as a result of a series of rapid images.

30 Stroboscopic

31 This structure of the eye has one purpose- to serve as a clear, protective coating.

32 Cornea

33 Knowing that the light blue floor doesn’t become dark blue when I shut off the lights is called:

34 Color Constancy

35 Our ability to tune out other conversations while focusing in on one is called this:

36 Cocktail Party Phenomenon

37 The underlying content of our dreams that provides an insight into the unconscious is called this.

38 Latent Content

39 A suggestion made to a hypnotized person that is intended to affect behavior after hypnosis is called this.

40 Posthypnotic Suggestion

41 This is the name for our 24-hour biological clock, which roughly translates into “around the day”.

42 Circadian Rhthym

43 We see this type of brain wave in people who are awake but relaxed.

44 Alpha

45 This impure drug consists of MDMA and can potentially include a wide variety of other drugs.

46 Ecstasy

47 This sleep disorder is characterized by a sudden lapse into sleep.

48 Narcolepsy

49 This type of meditation centers on focusing one’s selective attention on breathing.

50 Zen

51 “Hypnogic” sensations are characteristic of what stage of sleep?

52 Stage 1

53 The withdrawal symptoms of __________ look largely like the actual symptoms of __________.

54 Depressants; Stimulants

55 Final Jeopardy!!!!!!!!!!!! Name all four classifications of drugs that we have studied and give one example of each.



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