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CEPA Foundation Webinar #7 “Emerging Adulthood and Studying Abroad: Supporting Student Resilience” Presented by: Janice Abarbanel, Ph. D. Psychologist.

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Presentation on theme: "CEPA Foundation Webinar #7 “Emerging Adulthood and Studying Abroad: Supporting Student Resilience” Presented by: Janice Abarbanel, Ph. D. Psychologist."— Presentation transcript:

1 CEPA Foundation Webinar #7 “Emerging Adulthood and Studying Abroad: Supporting Student Resilience” Presented by: Janice Abarbanel, Ph. D. Psychologist and Health Educator, Emerging Adulthood and Study Abroad Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation September 21, 2015 at 12 pm eastern, 11 am central, 10 am mountain, and 9 am pacific time The presentation will last approx. 45 minutes. There will be a 15 minute Q&A session afterwards. Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 1

2  Supporting the emotional health of all students abroad The Emotional Passport Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 2

3  The framework of the life stage of Emerging Adulthood guides us towards a resilience model for supporting students abroad.  An academically ‘smart’ student is not necessarily one prepared to engage with the expected challenges required to shift cultures.  What is Emerging Adulthood and what is the interface with studying abroad? The Framework of Emerging Adulthood Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 3

4  The age of identity exploration  The age of instability in all areas of life  The age of feeling in-between adolescence and adulthood  The most self-focused age  The age of possibilities and opportunities to create the future. Jeffrey Arnett, PhD Emerging Adulthood Study Abroad as a good “fit” Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 4

5  Silence  Embarrassment  Denial  Problem  Shame  Isolation Very real mindset for many. Mental Health: Stereotypes, Stigma, and Discrimination Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 5

6 Clinical/Crisis  Pathology and diagnoses.  Uses “culture shock” vocabulary.  Focus on problems and deficits.  Crisis and safety lens.  Interprets mood shifts as abnormal  No problem unless a crisis problem. Clinical Model vs. Resiliency Model Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 6 Stress/Coping/Wellness  Focus on prevention and support. 90% of students.  Understands developmental challenges for Emerging Adults  Aware of culture learning skills education.  Observes and responds to stressful moments with positive strategies.

7  The number one word college students use to describe their life is: “overwhelmed.”  See more at: help-students-overcome- overwhelmed/#sthash.fALyd2EG.dpuf Feeling overwhelmed as normative for this stage Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 7

8 New focus, new learning High energy use for transitions. Concentration --push beyond comfort zone. Learning at the borders. Strategic Disengagement Resume focus Fatigue Irritability Hostility = Feeling Overwhelmed “Culture Stress” “Transition stress” Culture Shift Deep breathing Journalize Yoga Meditation Friends/support The Oscillating Brain Greater problem solving and resilience Adapted from Jim Loehr The Power of Full Engagement Copyright by Janice Abarbanel, Ph.D 8

9 New focus, new learning High energy use for transitions. Concentration --push beyond comfort zone. Learning at the borders. Strategic Disengagement Resume focus Fatigue Irritability Hostility = Feeling Overwhelmed “Culture Stress” “Transition stress” Culture Shift Deep breathing Journalize Yoga Meditation Friends/support The Oscillating Brain Greater problem solving and resilience Failure to disengage = Deteriorating performance Fatigue has a cascading effect. X Adapted from Jim Loehr The Power of Full Engagement Copyright by Janice Abarbanel, Ph.D 9

10 Adapted from Finding Flow by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Boredom Anxiety High Low High Challenge Skills Best Learning Focused Attention Copyright J. Abarbanel PhD Support 10

11 Emerging Adulthood Millennials Studying abroad Layers of challenges related to student support 11

12 1.flexible thinking and behaviors 2.capacity to pause, consider, reflect 3.considered care of self and community 4.capacity to lean in with curiosity, with perspective 5.feeling safe asking for guidance and help from non- judgmental staff 6.self-care to regulate shifting moods – normal when everything is new Skills that describe emotional resiliency: Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 12

13  to notice, stay mindful of, moments when you feel overwhelmed  to disengage from stressors, self- calm, and then re-engage  Planes fly faster than the emotions settle in…  Moods shift when cultures shift. Self-care with an Emotional Passport Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 13 moods shift Everything is new.

14  Shifts between periods of curiosity and enthusiasm to periods of boredom, doubt, and homesickness  ‘Serendipity’: discovering the world on their own terms  Transforming self from adolescence into adulthood through experiences, relationships Adjusting to a New Culture: What Students Can Expect Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 14

15 Off line Intense emotions inhibit left brain “linear” problem solving…. Language Logic Linearity Literal thinking Planning Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 15 LEFT

16 Off line Intense emotions inhibit left brain “linear” problem solving…. Language Logic Linearity Literal thinking Planning Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 15 LEFT RIGHT Non verbal Emotions Anger Confusion Disappointment Irritability Joy/excitement Art/music

17  I’m speechless….  I can’t think straight….  I don’t know what to say…. Feeling overloaded….the thinking brain goes “off line” …. Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 16

18  Provide supportive and welcoming environment, “the wellness conversation”  Educate students about anticipated cultural adjustments  Remind students about their skills to recognize and work through challenges  Provide students with strategies for self-care and care for the community  Educate students about resources and support available to them Emotional Health – why it matters Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 17

19  Help students make meaning with appropriate guidance  Trained staff, knowing when and how to engage  Systemic support for building resilience The importance of mentors and guides across staffing Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 18

20 …Opportunities… “Stressed is just desserts spelled backwards ” Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 19

21  Describe your routine at home.  What resources are available at your site to help you re- establish your routine?  How do you know when you are overwhelmed?  What skills do you call on to disengage from stress? …so that you can re-engage. Your Personal Skill Box Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 20

22  Build in quiet periods to regulate intense moods.  Reach out for support.  Change the ‘channel’. Dial down.  “Stand on the moon”….step back with a larger lens.  Exercise  Half-smile… (Try it!)  Breathe! Some Strategies to Facilitate Cultural Adjustment “Refueling” Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 21

23  Breathing + support = the capacity to learn and adapt to new cultures The Tewa tribe of New Mexico – Learning = Breathing. (E. Hall, 1991) Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 22

24 Discussion, Questions, & Answers Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 23  We look forward to your questions and comments.  Please use the chat function on your screen to post questions and comments for the presenters.

25 Thank you for participating today and also thanks to the CEPA Foundation for providing this free series of academic webinars for faculty and education abroad professionals! Your feedback is important to us! Please complete the brief survey about this webinar: Check our website regularly for information about future webinars. Upcoming Webinar Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 24

26 Contact Information Lynn C. Anderson, Academic Director, CEPA Foundation Janice Abarbanel, Ph. D. Psychologist and Health Educator, Emerging Adulthood and Study Abroad Thank you for participating in this CEPA Foundation Webinar Sponsored by the CEPA Foundation - Cultural and Educational Programs Abroad 25

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