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Alexander the Great Conquers Egypt By : Layan Suleiman 6C.

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Presentation on theme: "Alexander the Great Conquers Egypt By : Layan Suleiman 6C."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alexander the Great Conquers Egypt By : Layan Suleiman 6C

2 Who is Alexander the Great? He is a prince, the son of the king of Macedonia. Born in Macedonia on 20/21 July 356 BCE. Died in 323 BC. He spoke Greek knew Greek history and he loved Greek culture so much when he isn’t Greek.

3 What countries did Alexander Conquer? Egypt Persia (Iran) India Greece

4 Why did Alexander the Great conquer Egypt? When he won the battle for the city of Gordium (Turkey) and solved the Gordian Knot. A legend foretold that who ever solved the Gordian Knot would rule all Asia.

5 When did he conquer Egypt? In 332 BC Also called one of the cities Alexandria after him.

6 Where did he learn to Fight? In Macedonia. From his tutor Aristotle.

7 Bibliography e_great#ixzz1aeqAPZBa e_great#ixzz1aeqAPZBa

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