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2012-2013 RayTEAM Report & Recommendations For 2013 - 2014 Presentation to the Board of Education May 13, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "2012-2013 RayTEAM Report & Recommendations For 2013 - 2014 Presentation to the Board of Education May 13, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 2012-2013 RayTEAM Report & Recommendations For 2013 - 2014 Presentation to the Board of Education May 13, 2013

2 2012 – 2013 RayTEAM Members RNEA Teacher’s Organization Brian Wise – HCC Kristy Hensley - RSHS Kally Germano - BR MSTA Teacher’s Organization Linda Bettes - NF Susie Morgan – BR/ROB Support Staff Employees Valerie Ekengren – Interventionist - ROB Laurie Bolware – LB Food Service Matt Verlinden - Technology Administrative Employees Brian Blankenship – Associate Superintendent of Finance Vida Santone – Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Lori Kang – Principal Norfleet Elementary School Carl Calcara – Raytown South High School Assistant Principal Facilitator Dan Fenn

3 Introduction This year was our first year of having Mr. Dan Fenn – Fenn Associates as our RayTEAM facilitator. This was a good move for RayTEAM and we feel that Mr. Fenn assisted us through our problem solving and decision making in a professional manner. We are pleased to have worked with Mr. Fenn this year.

4 Mission RayTEAM is a collaborative negotiations Team, working together towards consensus to improve the quality of the workplace and recommend an affordable and competitive compensation package for all employees of the Raytown C-2 School District.

5 Norms NORMS PROCESS GUIDELINES How will we conduct ourselves during our meetings? Group guidelines Respect feelings, thoughts, ideas, and perspectives of each other Try as best as you are able to keep an open mind Remain actively engaged Start on time, end on time Remember confidentiality – obligations must be met in regard to informing people. Members can discuss issues. It refers to quoting individual conversations, etc. Do your homework Be a good listener – paraphrase, summarize, and listen to feelings and content Take responsibility for the process. Success belongs to every member Don’t let things pass Take a risk Speak for yourself but remember you represent others

6 Established Quorum A Quorum: Seven people with at least one representative from each group MSTA/NEA/Classified and Administration.

7 RayTEAM met in December, January, February, March, April and May. In January, we sent out our Survey to which about 465 employees responded out of about 1,300 total employees. We thank those who took the time to complete the survey. RayTEAM’s Schedule and Method of Gathering Information

8 Survey Information Quality of Work Life Not money related Safety for employees on snow days District communication RayTEAM Communications Money Related Heat/AC in buildings Class size Plan Time Employee entrance into buildings Heat in the buildings Demands on work day – wait on Survey information

9 Survey Information Benefits Sharing information from the RayTEAM survey with the District Benefits Committee Compensation Stipend increases Substitute Pay Attendance incentive – remuneration for unused sick leave Salary – Steps, Longevity, Equity (certified/support) Curriculum Pay Activities/Clubs PDO’s

10 Results Quality of Work Life Not money related Safety for employees on snow days This was discussed and concern was expressed for those employees who do come to work on snow days. RayTEAM Communications Research of communication plans from other school districts’ negotiation teams was conducted by Susie Morgan RayTEAM member A comprehensive Communications Plan was developed and will be implemented during the 2013-2014 school year.

11 Results Money Related Heat/AC in buildings This was addressed with the Assistant Superintendent of Support Services and changes were made to make the learning environment more comfortable during the cold days of the year. Class size A review of the class sizes revealed that our class sizes are in line with DESE State Standards. Plan Time Dr. Pyle visited RayTEAM and provided information on the changes that will occur for the 2013-2014 school year that will provide more plan time for teachers, particularly in the elementary Employee entrance into buildings All entrances are being formatted with swipe cards for all employees

12 RayTEAM’s Recommendations Compensation $350 to the base Step 6% Benefit increase paid by Board Remuneration of leave accumulated over 100 days at 20% of the employee’s Daily Rate of Pay

13 RayTEAM Next Year RayTEAM is working on a comprehensive communications plan to provide more information for the Raytown C-2 Employees to be implemented during the 2013-2014 school year RayTEAM will be looking at the activities salary schedules and stipends RayTEAM will be investigating the possibility of moving to more days designated as PDO days

14 Conclusion RayTEAM acknowledges and appreciates the efforts the Board has taken to renew staff morale and community pride in our school district RayTEAM acknowledges and appreciates the difficult decisions the Board is called upon to make as well as the time it takes to deliberate for those decisions RayTEAM shares the same goal with the Board of Education to “Attract and retain a quality staff” for Raytown Quality Schools RayTEAM believes that the problem solving model we use helps us to remain in an true Team effort through consensus building. We support continuing this model.

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