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EE354 : Communications System I

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1 EE354 : Communications System I
Lecture 25,26,27: Digital communication Aliazam Abbasfar

2 Outline Digital communication Baseband systems Optimum receiver

3 Digital communication
Transfer of digital messages from source to destination reliably Sometimes called signaling Digital message Sequence of symbols (digits) Symbols are chosen from an alphabet (M symbols) Binary symbols : bits : alphabet {0,1} Data rate Symbol/Baud/Signaling rate (symbols per second) (r) bit rate (bits per second) (rb) Reliability is measured by probability of error Symbol/Bit error rate (BER) Packet error rate (PER) BER targets Voice : 10-5 Data : 10-6 Video : 10-7

4 Digital systems Channel encoder Mod Digital Source Source encoder
message Channel encoder Mod x(t) y(t) Digital Source Source encoder Channel decoder Demod Source decoder Channel Digital source Digitized voice/images Data Source encoder and decoder Data compression Encryption Channel encoder and decoder Error detection/correction Example : repetition code Modulation/demodulation Digital Baseband/bandpass

5 Pulse Amplitude Modulation (PAM)
A sequence of pulses with varying amplitudes y(t) = S ak p(t- kT) + n(t) T : symbol time Inter-symbol interference (ISI) y(kT) = ak p(0) + S am p(mT) + n(kT) p(0) = 1; p(mT) = 0; for all m<>0 Rectangular pulse Sinc pulse Symbols are mapped into pulse amplitudes (ak) M-PAM has M levels  unipolar 2-PAM levels: {0, A} Alphabet {0,1}  bipolar 2-PAM levels: {-A, A} Alphabet {0,1,2}  bipolar 3-PAM levels: {-A, 0, A} Alphabet {0,1,2,3}  bipolar 4-PAM levels: {-3A, -A, A, 3A} Data rate Symbol rate : r= 1/T Bit rate : rb = log2(M)/T Example: binary signaling with rectangular pulse Bipolar 2-PAM RZ and NRZ y(t) T

6 Performance with noise
AWGN with power s2 E[n2(t)] = s2 Sampled signal distribution No ISI and p(0)=1 z = y(kT) = ak + n(kT) Symbol detection Compare with thresholds Slicer or A/D Probability of error Pe = S Pi Pe|i Pe|i : probability of error for ith symbol Unipolar binary : Pe = Q(A/2s) Bipolar binary : Pe = Q(A/s) Bipolar M-PAM : Pe = 2(1-1/M) Q(A/s) = 2(1-1/M) Q(Amax/(M-1)s)

7 Analog vs Digital repeater
Digital (regenerative) repeater detects the symbols and regenerate them again Pem = 1-(1-Pe)m  m Pe Accumulate errors Analog repeater amplifies signal + noise Accumulate noise sm2 = m s2 Pem = 2(1-1/M) Q(A/sm) Hybrid repeater : A digital repeater after every m analog repeater Pemxk = k Pem

8 Pulse detector x(t) = {0 or p(t)} + n(t)
p(t) is time-limited pulse p(t) = 0; t<0 or t> T AWGN with power spectral density of N0/2 Rn(t) = N0/2 d(t) Gn(f) = N0/2 Filter x(t) with H(f) and sample at time T Signal amplitude : Noise power : Maximize A/2s Matched filter H(f) = P(f)* e-j2pfT h(t) = p(T-t) Amax = Ep s2 = EpN0/2 Probability of error

9 Correlator Matched filter output is the correlation of the signal and the pulse Detecting one out of two different pulses y(t) = {p0(t) or p1(t)} + n(t) y(t)-p0(t) = {0 or p1(t)-p0(t)} + n(t) Correlate y(t) with p1(t)-p0(t) Decision level : corr( [p1(t)+p0(t)]/2, p(t) ) Error probability Correlator receiver Correlate y(t) with all pi(t) Detected symbol based on the output of the correlators If we have a series of pulses, each pulse is detected by correlation y(t) = S ak p(t- kT) + n(t) Correlate y(t) with p(t-kT)  ak

10 ISI free matched filtering
ISI free : Matched filter output due to other pulses = 0 Shifted versions of the pulse are orthogonal combT(Rp(t))= Epd(t)  rep1/T(|P(f)|2) = Cte Folded spectrum is flat Band-limited pulses Sinc pulse Root raised cosine

11 Power spectrum Gx(f) = Ga(f) |P(f)|2 Bipolar PAM :
x(t) = S ak p(t- kT) = [S ak d(t- kT)]  p(t) Gx(f) = Ga(f) |P(f)|2 Bipolar PAM : Ga(f) = E[ak2]/T Gx(f) = E[ak2]/T |P(f)|2 Px = E[ak2] Ep/T = Es/T

12 Bandpass modulations Envelope detector Amplitude shift keying (ASK)
x(t) = S ak p(t- kT) p(t) = cos(wct) ak = 0 or A Coherent detection Down convert  unipolar 2-PAM Envelope detector Similar to AM (a strong carrier)

13 PSK BPSK QPSK Phase shift keying (PSK) Modulated bipolar 2-PAM
x(t) = S p(t- kT) p(t) = cos(wct + Fk) BPSK Modulated bipolar 2-PAM x(t) = S ak p(t- kT) ak = -A or A p(t) = cos(wct) QPSK x(t) = S ak p1(t- kT) + bk p2(t- kT) p1(t) = cos(wct) p2(t) = sin(wct)

14 QAM 2 independent PAM Quadrature amplitude modulation(QAM)
Amplitude and phase modulations x(t) = S ak p1(t- kT) + bk p2(t- kT) p1(t) = cos(wct) p2(t) = sin(wct) 2 independent PAM

15 FSK Non-coherent detection Frequency shift keying (FSK)
Two different frequencies fc1 and fc2 x(t) = {A cos(wc1t) or A cos(wc2t)} Coherent detection Ep1-p2 = 2K Eb K=1 when orthogonal pulses Non-coherent detection Use frequency detectors

16 Reading Carlson Ch. 11.1, 11.2, 11.3

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