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A Native American Legend This is the legend of Little Bird.

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2 A Native American Legend

3 This is the legend of Little Bird.

4 Little Bird loved to dance.

5 When she heard music her feet would dance.

6 …Three Stories Mom and dad worried about Little Bird. They loved her very much but they worried about her. “Someday your dancing will cause you trouble,” they said. But Little Bird didn’t care. She loved to dance.

7 Think About It! What would you do if you were Little Bird’s parents? Do your feet move when you hear music? Why do you think Little Bird didn’t care?

8 One day the Owl God saw Little Bird Dance. He was very pleased with what he saw. I will visit Little Bird and persuade her to come to the sky and dance for me.

9 What might the sky look like?


11 The head of the tribe was honored that the Owl God wanted one of their people.

12 Her parents agreed with their leaders. Little Bird could go to the sky with the Owl God. They gave her their blessing to go but they were sad. They asked if she would please let them know that she was ok she only needed to let them know once and awhile.

13 Little Bird agreed to go and promised to let them know she was fine.

14 To this day when you hear thunder dancing over the desert you will know it is Little Bird letting her parents know she is fine and enjoying herself.

15 Questions for you to answer before you work on your PowerPoint. What are legends and what is their purpose? What can you learn from the Native American past because of legends? Do we have legends today? Can we learn from the past? What legend would you create and why? Reminder to complete the checklist along with your PowerPoint.

16 Resources:Resources: Part 1 All pictures are copyright free except those with URL listed below: Owl in Monsoon%2... Thunder over Monsoon%2...

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