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Jeopardy Minerals Rock Cycle Volcanoes Earthquakes Faults Plate Tectonics 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400.

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3 Jeopardy Minerals Rock Cycle Volcanoes Earthquakes Faults Plate Tectonics 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 100 200 300 400 500 Final Jeopardy

4 $100 Question Topic 1 A naturally formed, inorganic solid with a crystal structure.

5 $100 Answer Topic 1 What is a mineral?

6 Return

7 $200 Question Topic 1 The ratio of the mass to the volume of a mineral.

8 $200 Answer Topic 1 What is density?

9 Return

10 $300 Question Topic 1 The way scientists determine the hardness of a mineral.

11 $300 Answer Topic 1 What is Moh’s hardness scale?

12 Return

13 $400 Question Topic 1 The number on the Moh’s hardness scale for talc.

14 $400 Answer Topic 1 What is one (not hard)?

15 Return

16 $500 Question Topic 1 The number on Moh’s hardness scale for a diamond.

17 $500 Answer Topic 1 What is ten (very hard)?

18 Return

19 $100 Question Topic 2 The process by which one type of rock changes into Another type of rock.

20 $100 Answer Topic 2 What is the rock cycle?

21 Return

22 $200 Question Topic 2 The type of rock formed by melting.

23 $200 Answer Topic 2 What is magma?

24 Return

25 $300 Question Topic 2 The processes that change rock into sediment.

26 $300 Answer Topic 2 What are weathering, erosion, and deposition?

27 Return

28 $400 Question Topic 2 The type of rock that is formed when heat and pressure change rock.

29 $400 Answer Topic 2 What is metamorphic rock?

30 Return

31 $500 Question Topic 2 The term for the process by which water, wind, ice or gravity transport soil and sediment from one location to another

32 $500 Answer Topic 2 What is erosion?

33 Return

34 $100 Question Topic 3 The funnel shaped pit found at the top of the central Vent in most volcanoes.

35 $100 Answer Topic 3 What is a crater?

36 Return

37 $200 Question Topic 3 A volcanically active place on the Earth’s surface directly Above a column of rising magma that is not at a plate boundary.

38 $200 Answer Topic 3 What is a hotspot?

39 Return

40 $300 Question Topic 3 The type of volcano that is non-explosive, made from repeated layers of runny lava, have broad bases and gently sloping sides.

41 $300 Answer Topic 3 What is a shield volcano?

42 Return

43 $400 Question Topic 3 The type of volcano called stratovolcanoes. The most common type; forms from explosive eruptions of pyroclastic material followed by quiet flows of lava.

44 $400 Answer Topic 3 What is a composite volcano?

45 Return

46 $500 Question Topic 3 The type of volcano that explosive, made entirely of Pyroclastic materials; have narrow bases and steep slopes.

47 $500 Answer Topic 3 What is a cinder cone volcano?

48 Return

49 $100 Question Topic 4 Describe the type of earthquake that would occur At a transform boundary.

50 $100 Answer Topic 4 What is moderate and shallow earthquakes?

51 Return

52 $200 Question Topic 4 Describe the earthquake that might occur at a divergent boundary.

53 $200 Answer Topic 4 What is weak and shallow?

54 Return

55 $300 Question Topic 4 The term for the surface along which rock layers break and move past one another.

56 $300 Answer Topic 4 What is a fault?

57 Return

58 $400 Question Topic 4 The type of fault that occurs at divergent boundaries.

59 $400 Answer Topic 4 What is a normal fault?

60 Return

61 $500 Question Topic 4 The type of fault that occurs at a convergent boundary.

62 $500 Answer Topic 4 What is a reverse fault?

63 Return

64 $100 Question Topic 5 The type of fault that occurs at a transform boundary.

65 $100 Answer Topic 5 What is a strike-slip fault?

66 Return

67 $200 Question Topic 5 The type of fault pictured.

68 $200 Answer Topic 5 What is a normal fault?

69 Return

70 $300 Question Topic 5 The type of fault pictured.

71 $300 Answer Topic 5 What is a reverse fault?

72 Return

73 $400 Question Topic 5 The type of boundary where you would find normal faults.

74 $400 Answer Topic 5 What is a divergent boundary?

75 Return

76 $500 Question Topic 5 The type of boundary where you would find reverse faults.

77 $500 Answer Topic 5 What is a convergent boundary?

78 Return

79 $100 Question Topic 6 The name of the ancient supercontinent that contained All of the continents of the world.

80 $100 Answer Topic 6 What is Pangaea?

81 Return

82 $200 Question Topic 6 The compositional part of the Earth that is a liquid but is forced to Act like a solid due to intense heat and pressure.

83 $200 Answer Topic 6 What is the mantle?

84 Return

85 $300 Question Topic 6 The physical layer of the Earth that the tectonic plates move on.

86 $300 Answer Topic 6 What is the asthenosphere?

87 Return

88 $400 Question Topic 6 The type of boundary where you would find a subduction zone.

89 $400 Answer Topic 6 What is a convergent boundary?

90 Return

91 $500 Question Topic 6 The type of boundary that is formed when two tectonic plates pull away from one another.

92 $500 Answer Topic 6 What is a divergent boundary?

93 Return

94 Final Jeopardy Topic Minerals

95 Final Jeopardy Question Name four of the special properties of minerals.

96 Final Jeopardy Answer What are: –Fluorescence –Chemical reaction –Optical properties –Magnetism –Taste –radioactivity?

97 Thank You for Playing!

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