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Cognitive Development across the Adolescent Years Samuel Mathews, Ph.D. The University of West Florida And Tallinn Pedagogical University.

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Presentation on theme: "Cognitive Development across the Adolescent Years Samuel Mathews, Ph.D. The University of West Florida And Tallinn Pedagogical University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Cognitive Development across the Adolescent Years Samuel Mathews, Ph.D. The University of West Florida And Tallinn Pedagogical University

2 Constructive Nature of Cognition  The human mind incorporates experiences into a unique interpretation based on: –Goals and motives –Perspective on the experience –Prior knowledge and experiences –Strategies and processes of thinking

3 Major Perspectives on Cognitive Development Piaget’s Theory of “Genetic Epistemology” –Stages of Development –Constructive –Equilibration (reaching equilibrium between individual and demands of a task) Information Processing Theory –Active search for information –Constructive –Continuous development –Transformation, storage, and retrieval of information

4 Piagetian Perspective Concrete operations –Late childhood –Reasoning with concrete experiences, objects and events

5 Piagetian—Concrete Operations Reversible operations Conservation (number, mass, volume) Decentration (>1 attribute considered) Release from egocentrism (others’ perspectives considered)

6 Piagetian—Formal Operational Thought Abstract—analyze experience for core structure Hypothetical—make predictions beyond concrete experiences (moving to true scientific reasoning) Logical—can extract logical relations and test the validity of the logic regardless of the premise (A=B, B=C, therefore A=C)

7 Piagetian—Formal Operations Context dependent—context can create difficulty in formal operational thought throughout adulthood Achievement based on need for formal operational thought within a setting Cultural differences typically based on cultural bounds of the assessment

8 Information Processing and Cognitive Development Active search for information in our environment to meet needs Constructive—creates unique representations of information Flexible—multiple representations of the same information are possible

9 Information Processing and Cognitive Development Strategic—can function using intentional strategies Limited capacity—system has limits in duration and capacity without conscious use of strategies

10 Key Developments across Adolescence Executive Functions and Metacognition –Monitoring—maintaining vigilance for “breakdowns” or errors in cognitive tasks; usually based on: Prior knowledge Predictions about “what comes next” –Control—intentional acts to initiate, modify, and terminate cognitive tasks and strategies

11 Knowledge base Declarative/Factual—knowing “what” Procedural/Strategic—knowing “how” Organization –Schematic structures –Association networks –Flexible organizational schemes Expert/novice distinction(organization of knowledge, representation of knowledge)

12 Executive Functions and Metacognition o Strategic thought—the intentional use of planned and controlled procedures to accomplish cognitive tasks (making outlines, taking notes, highlighting and making notes in the margins of texts, self- testing)

13 Executive Functions and Metacognition Critical thought—mental strategies in which the goals are to –analyze arguments and assertions for logical consistency and false premises –maintain vigilance for bias in thinking –critically consider the source of knowledge (authority, faith, common sense, etc., vs. scientific thought)

14 Vygotsky: Contextual Cognition Focused on collective and social approach Individual develops knowledge, skills and strategies through: –first interacting with other more skilled individuals –Transferring the knowledge, skills, and strategies from intermental to intramental Language is the medium of transfer

15 Vygotsky: Contextual Cognition Strategies in educational contexts: –Cooperative learning –Guided practice –Reciprocal teaching –Reflection Zone of Proximal Development –Distance between independent work and work needing support of others –Scaffolding provided by others

16 Intelligence Intelligence: –Understand the world –Think rationally –Use resources effectively when faced with challenges (Feldman, 2008, pg 85)

17 Intelligence IQ as a range of potential mental functioning— Stanford Binet, Wechsler Alternative conceptions: –Fluid (information processing) & Crystallized (knowledge, skills, strategies) intelligence –Vygotsky’s dynamic assessment—independent AND cooperative functioning

18 Intelligence Sternberg’s Triarchic Theory of Intelligence –Componential subtheory—info proce –Contextual subtheory—problem solving within context –Experiential subtheory—prior experience applied to new problems

19 Behavioral Changes and Cognitive Development across Adolescence Question Authority based on equal treatment, and social comparisons Express difficulty with arguments based only on authoritarian power Question long standing ideology, religious affiliation, and relationships

20 Behavioral Changes and Cognitive Development across Adolescence Express and act on interests in broader peer groups, wider range of activities Many join social causes and movements Focus in early adolescence is on personal decision making in school and home environments

21 Behavioral Changes and Cognitive Development across Adolescence Pseudostupidity –Perceived levels of complexity beyond that that will lead to solutions –Exploration of solution paths outside of logical or pragmatic boundaries –Perception of complex and malevolent motives when none exist –Attempts to narrow adolescents’ explorations to plausible or feasible solutions seen as over controling

22 Behavioral Changes and Cognitive Development across Adolescence Experience a new form of egocentrism (focus on self) –Imaginary Audience “everyone is looking at me and thinking about me” importance on personal appearance and merging with the group –Personal Fable Sense of uniqueness Sense of invulnerability or being invincible Heightened willingness to take risks

23 Themes in Cognitive Development Creativity: –Divergent thinking –Convergent thinking –Cognitive complexity/flexibility –Family—few rules and humor Decision-Making: –Availability heuristic –Sunk cost heuristic

24 Themes in Cognitive Development Critical thinking: –Volitional –Goal directed –Analytical –Disposition Inclination Sensitivity Ability

25 What factors might limit adolescents’ abilities to think: –Creatively? –Divergently? –Critically?

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